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Otogiri::Plugin::TableInfo - retrieve table information from database


    use Otogiri::Plugin::TableInfo;
    my $db = Otogiri->new( connect_info => [ ... ] );
    my @table_names = $db->show_tables();


Otogiri::Plugin::TableInfo is Otogiri plugin to fetch table information from database.


## my @table\_names = $self->show\_tables(\[$like\_regex\]);

returns table names in database.

parameter `$like_regex` is optional. If it is passed, table name is filtered by regex like MySQL's `SHOW TABLES LIKE ...` statement.

    my @table_names = $db->show_tables(qr/^user_/); # return table names that starts with 'user_'

If `$like_regex` is not passed, all table\_names in current database are returned.

## my @view\_names = $self->show\_views(\[$like\_regex\]);

returns view names in database.

## my $create\_table\_ddl = $self->desc($table\_name);

## my $create\_table\_ddl = $self->show\_create\_table($table\_name);

returns create table statement like MySQL's 'show create table'.

## my $create\_view\_sql = $self->show\_create\_view($view\_name);

returns create view SQL like MySQL's 'show create view'.


Copyright (C) Takuya Tsuchida.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Takuya Tsuchida <tsucchi@cpan.org>