This perl module is uses internally another Perl module called
XML::Sablotron, which in turn encapsulates the XML processor called
Sablotron. You can find more info about XML::Sablotron and Sablotron 

XML::SAXDriver::Sablotron is a SAX2 driver based on Sablotron XSLT
processor. An XSLT transformation result is outputted as a stream of
SAX2 events. The result tree is not build at all - SAX2 events are
emitted directly instead.

To build up this module, change into the XML-SAXDriver-Sablotron 
directory and type:

  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install (may require the root privileges)

The creator of XML::SAXDriver::Sablotron is Ginger Alliance.
Maintainer of this package is Pavel Hlavnicka (

Enjoy XML::SAXDriver::Sablotron!!