Net-Azure-StorageClient version 0.3 ==================================== Net-Azure-StorageClient is Windows Azure Storage Client. Net-Azure-StorageClient-Blob is Interface to Windows Azure Blob Service. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ABOUT Net::Azure::StorageClient SYNOPSIS my $StorageClient = Net::Azure::StorageClient->new( type => 'Blob', account_name => $you_account_name, primary_access_key => $your_primary_access_key, [ protocol => 'https', ] [ api_version => '2012-02-12', ] ); METHODS sign Specifying the authorization header to HTTP::Request object. my $req = new HTTP::Request( 'GET', $url ); $req = $StorageClient->sign( $req, $params ); request Specifying the authorization header and send request. # Specifying $url or $path, Send GET request. my $api = '/path/to/api?foo=bar'; my $type = $blobService->{ type }; # 'blob' my $account = $blobService->{ account_name }; my $protocol = $blobService->{ protocol }; my $url = "${protocol}://${account}.${type}${api}"; my $res = $StorageClient->request( 'GET', $url ); # Request with custom http headers and request body. Send POST request. my $params = { headers => { 'x-ms-foo' => 'bar', }, body => $request_body, }; my $res = $StorageClient->request( 'PUT', $url, $params ); # return HTTP::Response object. get Specifying the authorization header and send 'GET' request. put Specifying the authorization header and send 'PUT' request. head Specifying the authorization header and send 'HEAD' request. delete Specifying the authorization header and send 'DELETE' request. post Specifying the authorization header and send 'POST' request. ABOUT Net::Azure::StorageClient::Blob SYNOPSIS my $blobService = Net::Azure::StorageClient::Blob->new( account_name => $you_account_name, primary_access_key => $your_primary_access_key, [ container_name => $container_name, ] [ protocol => 'https', ] ); my $path = 'path/to/blob'; my $res = $blobService->get_blob( $path ); # Request with custom http headers and query. my $params = { headers => { 'x-ms-foo' => 'bar' }, options => 'timeout=90' }; my $res = $blobService->set_metadata( $path, $params ); # return HTTP::Response object(s) Operation on the Account(Blob Service) list_containers The List Containers operation returns a list of the containers under the specified account. my $res = $blobService->list_containers( $params ); set_blob_service_properties The Set Blob Service Properties operation sets the properties of a storage account's Blob service, including Windows Azure Storage Analytics. You can also use this operation to set the default request version for all incoming requests that do not have a version specified. my $params = { StorageServicePropertie => { Logging => { Read => 'true' }, ... } }; my $res = $blobService->set_blob_service_properties( $params ); get_blob_service_properties The Get Blob Service Properties operation gets the properties of a storage account's Blob service, including Windows Azure Storage Analytics. my $res = $blobService->get_blob_service_properties( $params ); Operation on Containers create_container The Create Container operation creates a new container under the specified account. If the container with the same name already exists, the operation fails. my $res = $blobService->create_container( $container_name ); # Create container and set container's permission. my $params = { public_access => 'blob' }; # or container my $res = $blobService->create_container( $container_name, $params ); get_container_properties The Get Container Properties operation returns all user-defined metadata and system properties for the specified container. The data returned does not include the container's list of blobs. my $res = $blobService->get_container_properties( $container_name ); get_container_metadata The Get Container Metadata operation returns all user-defined metadata for the container. my $res = $blobService->get_container_metadata( $container_name ); set_container_metadata The Set Container Metadata operation sets one or more user-defined name-value pairs for the specified container. my $res = $blobService->set_container_metadata( $container_name, { metadata => { 'foo' => 'bar' } } ); # x-ms-meta-foo: bar get_container_acl The Get Container ACL operation gets the permissions for the specified container. The permissions indicate whether container data may be accessed publicly. my $res = $blobService->get_container_acl( $container_name ); set_container_acl The Set Container ACL operation sets the permissions for the specified container. The permissions indicate whether blobs in a container may be accessed publicly. my $res = $blobService->set_container_acl( $container_name, { public_access => 'blob' } ); # or container delete_container The Delete Container operation marks the specified container for deletion. The container and any blobs contained within it are later deleted during garbage collection. my $res = $blobService->delete_container( $container_name ); lease_container The Lease Container operation establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can be 15 to 60 seconds, or can be infinite. my $params = { lease_parameters => { 'lease-action' => 'acquire', ... } }; my $res = $blobService->lease_container( $container_name, $params ); list_blobs The List Blobs operation enumerates the list of blobs under the specified container. my $res = $blobService->list_blobs( $container_name ); download_container Download all blobs of container to local directory. my $res = $blobService->list_blobs( $container_name, $dirname ); # Download updated blobs only. my $perms = { conditional => 1 }; my $res = $blobService->list_blobs( $container_name, $dirname, $perms ); # Download updated blobs and delete deleted files of local directory. my $perms = { conditional => 1, sync => 1 }; my $res = $blobService->list_blobs( $container_name, $dirname, $perms ); Operation on Blobs put_blob The Put Blob operation creates a new block blob or page blob, or updates the content of an existing block blob. my $res = $blobService->put_blob( $path, $data ); # Upload local file to blob. my $params = { filename => '/path/to/filename' }; my $res = $blobService->put_blob( $path, $params ); get_blob The Get Blob operation reads or downloads a blob from the system, including its metadata and properties. You can also call Get Blob to read a snapshot. my $res = $blobService->get_blob( $path ); # Download blob to local file. my $params = { filename => '/path/to/filename' }; my $res = $blobService->get_blob( $path, $params ); get_blob_properties The Get Blob Properties operation returns all user-defined metadata, standard HTTP properties, and system properties for the blob. It does not return the content of the blob. my $res = $blobService->get_blob_properties( $path ); set_blob_properties The Set Blob Properties operation sets system properties on the blob. my $params = { properties => { 'content-length' => 1024, ... } }; my $res = $blobService->set_blob_properties( $path, $params ); get_blob_metadata The Get Blob Metadata operation returns all user-defined metadata for the specified blob my $res = $blobService->get_metadata( $path ); set_blob_metadata The Set Blob Metadata operation sets user-defined metadata for the specified blob as one or more name-value pairs. # Set x-ms-meta-category and x-ms-meta-author metadata. my $params = { metadata => { category => 'image' author => $author_name } }; my $res = $blobService->set_blob_metadata( $path, $params ); lease_blob The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete operations. my $params = { lease_parameters => { 'lease-action' => 'acquire', ... } }; my $res = $blobService->lease_blob( $path, $params ); snapshot_blob The Snapshot Blob operation creates a read-only snapshot of a blob. my $res = $blobService->snapshot_blob( $path ); copy_blob The Copy Blob operation copies a blob to a destination within the storage account. my $res = $blobService->copy_blob( $source_blob, $new_blob ); abort_copy_blob The Abort Copy Blob operation aborts a pending Copy Blob operation, and leaves a destination blob with zero length and full metadata. my $params = { copyid => $copyid }; my $res = $blobService->abort_copy_blob( $path, $params ); delete_blob The Delete Blob operation marks the specified blob or snapshot for deletion. The blob is later deleted during garbage collection. Note that in order to delete a blob, you must delete all of its snapshots. You can delete both at the same time with the Delete Blob operation. my $res = $blobService->delete_blob( $path ); rename_blob Copy blob and delete copy source blob. my $res = $blobService->rename_blob( $source_blob, $new_blob ); Operation on Block Blobs put_block The Put Block operation creates a new block to be committed as part of a blob. my $params = { options => "blockid=${blockid}" }; my $res = $blobService->put_block( $path, $params ); put_block_list The Put Block List operation writes a blob by specifying the list of block IDs that make up the blob. In order to be written as part of a blob, a block must have been successfully written to the server in a prior Put Block (REST API) operation. my $params = { BlockList => { Latest => 'foo' } }; my $res = $blobService->put_block_list( $path, $params ); get_block_list The Get Block List operation retrieves the list of blocks that have been uploaded as part of a block blob. my $res = $blobService->get_block_list( $path, $params ); Operation on Page Blobs put_page The Put Page operation writes a range of pages to a page blob. my $params = { 'page-write' => 'update', 'range' => 'bytes=0-65535' }; my $res = $blobService->put_page( $path, $params ); get_page_ranges The Get Page Ranges operation returns the list of valid page ranges for a page blob or snapshot of a page blob. my $res = $blobService->get_page_ranges( $path ); Other Operations download Download a blob(or directory or container) and save to local file(s). my $res = $blobService->download( $path, $filename ); # Download files of directory(Updated files only). my $perms = { conditional => 1 }; my $res = $blobService->download( $path, $directory, $perms ); # Download files of directory(updated files only) and delete deleted files. my $perms = { conditional => 1, sync => 1 }; my $res = $blobService->download( $path, $directory, $perms ); # Using multi-thread. my $params = { conditional => 1, sync => 1, use_thread => n(Count of thread) }; my $res = $blobService->download( $path, $directory, $params ); upload Upload blob(s) from local file(s). my $res = $blobService->upload( $path, $filename ); # Upload files of directory(updated files only). my $perms = { conditional => 1 }; my $res = $blobService->upload( $path, $directory, $perms ); # Upload files of directory(updated files only) and delete deleted blobs. my $perms = { conditional => 1, sync => 1 }; my $res = $blobService->upload( $path, $directory, $perms ); # Using multi-thread. my $params = { conditional => 1, sync => 1, use_thread => n(Count of thread) }; my $res = $blobService->upload( $path, $directory, $params ); sync Synchronize between the directory of blob storage and the local directory. my $params = { direction => 'upload' [, include_invisible => 1 ] }; my $res = $blobService->sync( $path, $directory, $params ); # Using multi-thread. my $params = { direction => 'upload', use_thread => n(Count of thread) }; my $res = $blobService->upload( $path, $directory, $params ); AUTHOR Junnama Noda <> COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2013, Junnama Noda. LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.