This is the README file of update from wafe-1.0-prerelase to wafe 1.0 The new version features in the following items: - Support for the GhostView widget class. When wafe (or mofe) is compiled with ghostview support, PostScript files an be displayed in a Wafe application. Ghostview is NOT shipped together with wafe, only the code for embedding the widget (wafe/src/GsvGen.{spec,c,tex}) and an Imakefile (wafe/lib/ghostview/Imakefile); see wafe/INSTALL how to compile wafe with ghostview support (it is actually pretty easy). An OSF/Motif sample script using the ghostview widget can be found in wafe/src/tcl/m-ghostview - New commands (only available under X11R5 or newer): fallbackResources where is used to determine the resource database (screen or display). The command "fallbackResources" is very similar to "mergeResources" with the only difference that in cases, where a matching ressource entry is already available in the resource database, the provided value in fallbackResources is ignored. fallbackResources have the lowest priority. combineFileDatabase where filename is the name of a resource file, is used to determine the resource database (screen or display) and determines whether already loaded resource entries should be overwritten or not. - Fix for a bug introduced in Wafe 0.97.p1 has been fixed (Motif version only). The percent code substitution for defaultActionCallback was broken in all widget classes except the XmGraphWidget class. Thanks to Jan Timm for pointing out the bug. - New sexy demo for the graph widget (Motif only): wafe/src/tcl/m-graph-config - Several improvments in xwafemail * Adding aliases: The key combination a can be used in received mails to popup a window to add an alias. * Completion of adresses: When a mail is being sent, the Tab key can be used in lines starting with To:, Cc: or Bcc: to expand aliases. Say, there is an alias "joe" defined as "someUser@someHost.someNet", typing joe and pressing the Tab key will expand the alias. In fact, any unique abbrevation of an nickname will be complete. - several improvments in xwafenews * Adding aliases: The key combination a can be used in the article window to popup a window to add an alias. * Completion of adresses: When an article is being forwarded, the Tab key can be used in the To: line to exand aliases (see above under xwafemail for more details) * Reduced memory consumption by avoiding to pass large Perl arrays as arguments * New command line option -e (economy mode): In economy mode xwafenews behaves differently in two respects: a) the nntp server is NOT asked, which newsgroups are available b) the newsrc file will never grow. If the newsrc file at startup has say 10 lines, it will stay in this size Background: Here at research we have about 15 thousand newsgroups (no typo), which are transfered during startup from the nntpserver and compared against the 15 thousand entries in the .newsrc file. I am watching about 200 newsgroups (roughly 1 percent). In most situations, most of the time and storage is wasted. Here some statistics: option newsgroups memory (perl) startup (reading groups) standard 15500 56MB 48sec -e 15500 27MB 29sec -e 500 6MB 4sec in my situation the improvement in memory consumption and time spent in preparing newsgroup information is roughly a factor of 10, when -e is used. Information about new newsgroups can be obtained from news.announce.newsgroups. If -e is used, and the option "all groups" is selected on a large newsgroups file, speed is worse than without -e, since xwafenews asks for each group separately which articles are available. In order to apply the update, change to the wafe directory of the wafe-1.0-prerelase distribution, expand this tar file and follow the instructions in the INSTALL file.