CHANGES for Wafe 0.96 (relative to 0.95): TABLE OF CONTENTS: o NEWER COMPONENTS o BUG FIXES o HYPERTEXT SUPPORT o NEW FEATURES o BETTER OSF/MOTIF SUPPORT o BETTER PERL SUPPORT o MORE TCL SAMPLE SCRIPTS Highlights: * The new Wafe version has support to run application programs on top of Wafe or Wafe on top of an application program (for Perl programs by just adding a command line option) and makes it easier to link application programs alternatively with the Wafe environment. * The number of backslashes in Perl written Wafe applications has been drastically reduced, the interface is now simpler and cleaner. * The new Wafe version is distributed with XMosaic's HTML Widget (HyperText Markup Language) which has certain features of HTML+ implemented. Among other things it allows to write forms with input fields and check boxes in form of easy comprehensible text documents (in SGML syntax) together with hypertext references etc. Wafe supports XBM, XPM and GIF pictures in HTML Documents. The HTML Widget can be used in Athena and OSF/Motif versions of Wafe. For newbies: Appendix 1 contains the summary: What is Wafe. RELEASE NOTES: o NEWER COMPONENTS + based on tcl7.0 (instead of tcl6.7) o BUG FIXES + several bug fixes for converters in cases where other programs used Wafe converters (eg OSF/Motif calling Wafe's stringToXmString converter). + again a few bug fixes in the plotter widgets (Axis.c and LabelAxis.c) + bug fix for the Xaw3d Layout widget. The corrected StringToLayout converter (in Xaw3d/Layout.c) is below in Appendix 2: LAYOUT CONVERTER. A version with several changes for Xaw3d can be found on + fixed bug for converting Dimensions and pixmaps in Motif 1.2 (these resources need a different handling; thanks to Jan Newmarch for his comments) + several code cleanups and improved portability (Thanks to Jim Wight for his comments) + several improvements in executions speed and memory consumption (nothing dramatical though) o HYPERTEXT SUPPORT Wafe 0.96 supports for XMosaic's hypertext (HTML) widget (from XMosaic 2.0 pre4). The source of the HTML widget is distributed together with Wafe (thanks to the kind permission of Mark Andreessen of NCSA). Please notice the different Copyright in the html specific files. Sample scripts for Motif and a Athena versions are supplied as well. The supplied version has certain HTML+ support (i.e. Forms with input fields and check buttons in hypertext documents), Support for HTML+ forms under Athena is by yours truly. The following commands are available in wafe/mofe to access the functionality of the html widget: hTMLGetText hTMLGetTextAndSelection htmlGetHRefs hTMLPositionToId hTMLIdToPosition hTMLAnchorToPosition hTMLClearSelection hTMLSetSelection hTMLSetText hTMLSearchText hTMLGotoId hTMLAnchorToId hTMLRetestAnchors Wafe supports .xbm, .xpm (based on XMosaic's code) and .gif pictures in html documents. o NEW FEATURES + Widget Class Checking: Up to 0.96p3, many routines of the programmatic interface simply produce core dumps, when they are called with widgets of wrong classes (eg. "listShowCurrent topLevel" will produce an unpredictable result, since the widget argument must be an Athena List widget). Since the routines of the programmatic interface typically do not check whether the widgets are of the right class (sadly enough) Wafe starts checking widget classes from this version on. This change effects also widget creation: parent widgets of non-shell widgets must be now subclasses of composite. For none of the sample programs from the Wafe distribution was a change necessary due to widget class checking. + Better Resource File Support for Wafe's Converter: Values converted by Wafe specific converters can be stated in resource files (this includes callback resources, xpm resources and XmString resources) and via the Wafe command mergeResources. One could now set for Athena applications *callback: echo "i am widget <%w>" which will be used as a default value for callback resources. Percent code substitution works as well for such resources. + List of attribute value pairs for widget creation commands, setValues (sV) and mergeResources. These list notations allow to reduce the number of backslashes in Wafe programs dramatically (see below in Appendix 3: ATTRIBUTE LISTS). + Error messages show now the source code where error occurs whenever possible (without changing the tcl sources). for example, if an error occurs in an callback routine such as command l topLevel callback { puts stderr hallo puts sderr test puts stderr echo } the error message will look like: Wafe(execCallbackProc): bad file identifier "sderr" 1: 2: puts stderr hallo 3: -> puts sderr test 4: puts stderr echo + Easier use of Wafe in Interactive Mode (like a shell) If wafe is called without command line options, its starts in interactive mode and displays the following startup message: This is Wafe 0.96! (Athena Version, Interactive Mode) Wafe behaves like called with the options --d --n + Multi line Input in Interactive Mode and Frontend Mode: Wafe supports now input of multi line tcl expressions when unpaired left curly brackets occur. This makes it easier to define procedures etc. In interactive mode and eases communication with client applications. Multi line input can be interleaved with uninterpreted assignment and client output. Note, that too many opening curly brackets will cause the Wafe shell to "hang", i.e. to wait for the matching closing curly brackets. + Using Wafe from C: A simple replacement for the Wafe shell is provided with this release that demonstrates how Wafe could be used from C programs (very similar to using Tcl or Tk from C, it clarifies, what's needed to initialize Wafe and how to use the Xt Event loop). This program might be a good basis to use Wafe as an Xt extension fore eg. another interpreter based language. In order to build a binary from w.c, this program should be used it place of wafe.c in the current release. A libwafe.a and libmofe.a will follow in a future release. + New signal handlers: Wafe has now a separate signal handler for SIGCLD (that is used for controlling the application client in frontend Mode) and for other signals, for which TCL signal handlers can be registered and unregistered. If the Wafe frontend is run on top of the application program, the wafe program can now safely execute other external programs (in earlier versions, wafe terminated, when the external program terminated). + New Predefined Variables: PID process id of current process (similar to [pid] in tcl7.0) CHILDPID process id of forked application program running as a coprocess of Wafe FILESEARCHPATH This variable is used locate bitmaps or pixmap files for StringToBitmap or StringToPixmap converter and for bitmaps/pixmaps/gif files in html documents. For example: set FILESEARCHPATH /usr/lib/X11/twm/%N:/usr/include/X11/%T/%N command c topLevel bitmap ghostview.xpm realize searches through the given path to locate 'ghostview.xpm' and will display the picture as label of the command widget. If wafe/mofe is compiled without XPM support, only .xbm files will be converted. Wafe provides a reasonable default value for FILESEARCHPATH. If the environment variable XFILESEARCHPATH is set, its value will be used instead of the default. For documentation of the percent codes in the FILESEARCHPATH see XtResolvePathname in Xt Intrinsics Reference Manual. + tclsh like variable names for argc argv and argv0 Wafe followed up the last release the convention that predefined, global variables had uppercase names. To provide more similarity to tclsh Wafe defines the following global variables: * tcl_interactive flag to indicate whether Wafe is running in interactive mode or not (i.e. not in frontend mode, not as a script; commands are accepted from a terminal) * argv list of command line options (not including name of command) * argv0 command name * argc number of elements in argv Wafe's ARGV and ARGC are still available, but will be most likely dropped in future version to avoid confusion. + 2 Modes for Visualization of the "drag" when doing a drag'n drop (when compiled with rdd): 1) .xbm or .xpm files 2) using an arbitrary transient shell, which might contain labels or bitmaps etc depending on the application needs For an example see APPENDIX 4. + Additional control character (/) for uninterpreted assignment full set of primitives for uninterpreted assignment: =VarName value assigns value to named tcl variable +VarName value appends value to named tcl variable \VarName value appends value and newline /VarName value appends newline and value (***new***) where VarName is a Tcl Variable name and value is a newline terminated string + New General Commands: * kill where is one of term, quit, int, hup, pipe, usr1, usr2 * parent returns name of parent widget * widthOfScreen returns the width of the screen on which is displayed in pixels * heightOfScreen returns the height of the screen on which is displayed in pixels * resolvePathname returns the fully qualified filename of a readable File with name and the specified on the (see XtResolvePathname in Xt Intrinsics documentation), otherwise an empty string * setSensitive widget True|False sets a widget and its children sensitive/ insensitive (see XtSetSensitive in Xt Intrinsics documentation) * setBusy widget True|False sets for a shell/widget the busy-cursor and inhibits input for all children widgets without changing their appearance. If a shell is set busy and set non-busy some time later, all the sensitivity states before the set-busy command are reestablished. * realizeWidget [ ..] realizes specified widgets * raiseWindow raises XtWindow(widget) For example: raiseWindow topLevel raises the topLevel shell * lowerWindow lowers XtWindow(widget) * textWidth returns width of given in pixels using font from of the given widget. This routine is necessary, as long we have no font to string converter. + Added Output Converter for getValues to convert Pixels Values to Strings For example, the following command can be used to set the background of to the same color as the widget of sV someWidget background [gV someOtherWidget background] Pixels values are converted always into #RRGGBB strings + Changed General Commands (backward compatible): * register and unregister: in addition to the functionality of register and unregister in earlier versions, these command accept now the following arguments as well register register DEFAULT register IGNORE unregister is one of term, quit, int, hup, pipe, usr1, usr2 will be executed when the according signal is caught. If a signal is caught during the evaluation of a Wafe command, the signal is remembered and the according tcl command will be executed after the running command. if no tcl signal handler is registered and one of the listed signals is caught Wafe's default action will take place. + Changed Athena Commands (backward compatible): * listChange: listChange <#items> allows for besides "File" or "Arg" now "List" as well, in which case the Tcl list specified as argument is used as item list. The following two commands are equivalent (assuming that a list widget named "l" was created before). listChange l 0 0 1 Arg This is a list! listChange l 0 0 1 List {This is a list!} o BETTER OSF/MOTIF SUPPORT + percent codes for OSF/Motif callbacks more uniform (see short reference guide) + better handling of "pseudo widgets" in OSF/Motif, which are Wafe's counterpart for certain convenience routines in OSF/Motif. The created widget is now always the child widget (for instance mBulletinBoardDialog creates a Dialog Shell with a Bulletin Board, the specified name references the Bulletin Board, the Dialog Shell can be addressed via [parent ...] (see as well under "New General Commands"). the affected pseudo widgets are mBulletinBoardDialog, mFileSelectionDialog, mFormDialog, mInformationDialog, mPromptDialog, mQuestionDialog, mSelectionBox, mSelectionDialog, mWarningDialog, mWorkingDialog + Fixed the XmGraph widget to work with OSF/Motif 1.2 + New Commands For mofe (OSF/Motif version of Wafe): mProcessTraversal mListAddItem mListAddItems mListAddItemUnselected mListDeleteAllItems mListDeleteItem mListDeleteItems mListDeleteItemsPos mListDeletePos mListDeselectAllItems mListDeselectItem mListDeselectPos mListGetMatchPos mListGetSelectedPos mListItemExists mListItemPos mListReplaceItems mListReplaceItemsPos mListSelectItem mListSelectPos mListSetAddMode mListSetBottomItem mListSetBottomPos mListSetHorizPos mListSetItem mListSetPos mScrollBarGetValues mScrollBarSetValues mAddTabGroup mTextClearSelection mTextCopy mTextCut mTextFieldClearSelection mTextFieldCopy mTextFieldCut mTextFieldGetBaseline mTextFieldGetLastPosition mTextFieldGetSelection mTextFieldGetSelectionPosition mTextFieldInsert mTextFieldPaste mTextFieldPosToXY mTextFieldRemove mTextFieldReplace mTextFieldSetAddMode mTextFieldSetHighlight mTextFieldSetSelection mTextFieldShowPosition mTextFieldXYToPos mTextGetBaseline mTextGetLastPosition mTextGetSelection mTextGetSelectionPosition mTextInsert mTextPaste mTextPosToXY mTextRemove mTextReplace mTextScroll mTextSetAddMode mTextSetHighlight mTextSetSelection mTextShowPosition mTextXYToPos All other functions of the Motif Text and Text Field widgets should be achieved using setValues and getValues. If something is missing, please drop me a mail. + Removed spurious tags for conversions from XmString to Strings in Motif 1.2 + More output converter for [getValues ...] for Motif resources o BETTER PERL SUPPORT + The new implementation allows alternatively to run Wafe on top of a Perl application or vice versa, to run a Perl application on top of Wafe (this change is due to Wayne Scott ). If in a Perl program the variable $perlOnTop is set to 1 before is required, the Perl application is executed on top of wafe (the application is started and forks wafe as a sub process). If for example, $perlOnTop is set on the begin of wafemail, wafemail (and not xwafemail) can be executed using the x-frontend. the advantages of running the application program on top of wafe are: * the application program is free to use stdin/stdout/stderr to whatever it wants to do with it. * the application can be more easily debugged (eg. using the Perl debugger) * no link magic or -p parameter is needed. disadvantages: * Xt command line arguments (and its abbreviations) have to be handled in Perl. I think i have added the most important options. if i have missed something relevant, please mail. * the application is responsible for signal handling * this approach works only for languages with a good operating system interface (such as Perl) where it is easy to fork processes etc. the following Wafe functionalities work with $perlOnTop=1: * extra communication channel (`tunnel') * class names per application for X defaults * uninterpreted assignment Essentially, the following modification was necessary for $perlOnTop in the sample programs distributed with Wafe: the commands of reading from Wafe should be modified from ...while() ... to ...while($_=&wafe'read) ... (the modification is typically one line per Wafe application). All commands sent to Wafe must be submitted via &Xui(). + All Perl written Wafe applications of the distribution can be executed using $perlOnTop=1 + All Perl written Wafe applications of the distribution accept -P to toggle $perlOnTop. For example wafemail -P and xwafmail will appear identically on the screen. However, the first one will run perl on top of wafe (wafe is the subprocess) and the second one will run wafe on top. + New Perl variable $WafeBin which defaults to "wafe" (only meaningful in connection with $perlOnTop=1): $WafeBin can be used eg. to write mofe applications with $perlOnTop=1. + Primitives in -> &TclSet($name,$value) assigns to the tcl variable named in $name the value of $value. no escaping is necessary, $value might contain newlines. -> &Xui($cmd) works now with multi-line Tcl commands and preserves newlines. The commands &UI and &TclProc are obsolete and will be dropped in a future release. + Cleanup in most perl written applications to reduce dramatically the number of backslashes (actually all distributed applications are updated, except the oracle applications (i have currently no oracle in access); i expect no problem here since the changes are backward compatible). + xwafeftp upgraded to a newer version of (mostly by Wayne Scott ) o MORE TCL SAMPLE SCRIPTS showRes this file can be sourced from an applications and can be used to show for a given widget the names and the types of its resources htmlBrowse sample browser for .html files; a sample document wafe.html is provided, which is the the translation of Wafe's manual page to html. The motif version is called m-htmlBrowse. htmltest small sample displaying a html form (works under Athena and motif). It uses xpm files from the ctwm3.0 distribution. xy.tcl wafe application to show animated graphs using the plotter widget set (motif version: m-xy.tcl) xpaste script to catch the current selection and to display it in a asciiText widget. It is quite conveniant to bind in a *twm for example Meta Button 2 to this script by adding the following line to the *twmrc file. Button2 = m : root : !"xpaste &" xs one line script to print the contents of cut buffer 0 to stdout multi-layout.tcl script to demonstrate how to change the layout of an application dynamically (here by clicking on the buttons) one-of-many.tcl script to demonstrate a one-of-many toggle using the Athena toggle widget class Appendix 1: WHAT IS WAFE - A CLOSER LOOK Wafe (Widget[Athena]front end) is a package that implements a symbolic interface to the Athena widgets (X11R5) and OSF/Motif. A typical Wafe application consists of two parts: a front-end (Wafe) and an application program which runs typically as a separate process. The application program can be implemented in an arbitrary programming language and talks to the front-end via stdio. Since Wafe (the front-end) was developed using the extensible TCL shell (cite John Ousterhout), an application program can dynamically submit requests to the front-end to build up the graphical user interface; the application can also down-load application specific procedures into the front-end, which can be executed without interaction with the application program. In opposite to the described two process frontend approach, wafe applications can also be written purely in TCL, in which case only one process is needed. The distribution contains sample application programs in Perl, GAWK, Prolog, TCL, C and Ada talking to the same Wafe binary. Most of the following demo applications are implemented in Perl 4.0.36: - xwafedesign: interactive design program for wafe applications - xwafeftp: FTP front-end - xwafemail: Mail user front-end with faces, using elm aliases - xwafenews: NNTP based newsreader, using elm aliases - xwafegopher: a very simple gopher interface - xdirtree: tree directory browser - xprojektor: white board program for the classroom - xbm: bitmap and pixmap viewer - xwafemc: multiple choice test answering program - xruptimes: rwho monitor like xnetload - xnetstats: network statistics; front-end for netstat -i - xvmstats: system statistics; front-end for vmstat -i - xiostats: io statistics; front-end for iostat -i - xwafeping: pings several machines an show up-status - xwafecf: a simple read only card-filer - xwafetel: a simple read only Oracle front-end for looking up telephone numbers - xwafeora: a more elaborated Oracle front-end with updates capable to model an entity type with distinct predicate defined subtypes, allowing multi valued attributes (it comes with sample applications "filing management" and "paper base") doing field completion and other funky stuff - primfakt.awk: primfakt program in GAWK using wafe - primfakt.prolog: primfakt program in Prolog using wafe - primfakt.perl: primfakt program in Perl using wafe - primfakt.c: primfakt program in C using wafe - primfakt.a: primfakt program in Ada using wafe - cprimfakt.c: native C implementation of primfakt (single process, without wafe) - xprimfakt.tcl: primfakt program in TCL using wafe (single process) - perlwafe: an example program calling wafe as a subprocess of the application program (normally, it is the other way round). HOW CAN WAFE BE USED AS A FRONTEND Suppose you have an application program named "app". If we install a link like "ln -s wafe xapp" and execute "xapp ", the program "app" is spawn as a subprocess of wafe and connects its stdio channels with the front end. Lines written from the application program to stdout are read from Wafe. If the line starts with a certain character (such as %) Wafe tries to interpret the remainder of the line as TCL command. The standard TCL shell has been extended with new commands exploiting the X Toolkit, the Athena widget set, the OSF/Motif widget set and the XPM library to build up user interfaces with the window system named X. In most example programs of the distribution the application program is run as a subprocess of wafe, one example (perlwafe) shows the opposite constellation where the "link magic" is not needed. Since Wafe 0.96, the distributed sample Perl programs can be started with Wafe on top (e.g xwafemail or wafe --p wafemail) or alternatively with perl on top by using the -P option (wafemail -P). This is possible without changing the source code of the application. ADVANTAGES of Wafe - application program can be written in wide range of programming languages - relatively high level interface to widget applications - single wafe binary for multiple applications - better refresh behavior when application program is busy - click ahead - better separation between user interface and application program matters - no need to hack C code - easier migration from existing ascii based programs to X-window applications REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLICATION PROGRAMS In order to use Wafe in a two process setup, an application program must be able to write **LINEBUFFERED** (or unbuffered) to stdout (the application program must at least be able to flush the buffer) and to read from stdio. The application program determines the syntax in which Wafe talks back. AVAILABILITY Wafe was developed on DECstations 5000/200 under Ultrix 4.2 using X11R5, and has been tested on a SparcStation 1+ under SunOS 4.1, RS6000/320 under AIX, on a HP 9000/720 under hpux 8.05 and under Linux 0.99.10. Wafe can be compiled under X11R5 and X11R4. The preferred program-to-program communication is done via socketpair, support for PIPES and SYS V streams is included for systems without the socktepair system call. NECESSARY, BUT NOT INCLUDED Most application of the distribution are written in Perl. Perl 4.036 is needed to run these applications. Two applications will need oraperl. Only user with an Oracle license might find wafeora and wafetel useful. User might wish to compile wafe with the 3d Athena Widget library Xaw3d-0.6.tar.Z. Pointers to the source can be found in the INSTALL file. PRERELEASE The current distribution is a prerelease (version 0.96). The final version (whatever final means) will be posted after we got some feedback/suggestions from the network. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Wafe project would have been impossible without the availability of software in source form such as - X11R5 distribution from the MIT - TCL and TK (John Ousterhout) - Perl (Larry Wall) - XPM-Library (Arnaud Le Hors ) - dbug-Library (Fred Fish) - plotter widget set (Peter Klingebiel ) - XmGraph (Douglas Young) - Xaw3d (Kaleb Keithley ) - rdd2 (Roger Reynolds ) - oraperl (Kevin Stock ) - package (Alan R. Martello ) - package (Randal L. Schwartz ) - package (Randall S. Krebs) - XMosaic (Marc Andreessen, NCSA) Only the most important packages are listed here. Please check, whether the copyrights of the included packages are applicable in your situation. # Copyright (C) 1992,93 by Gustaf Neumann, Stefan Nusser # # Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien, # Abteilung fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik # Augasse 2-6, # A-1090 Vienna, Austria #, # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this # software and its documentation for any purpose and without # fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright # notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright # notice and this permission notice appear in all supporting # documentation. This software is provided "as is" without # expressed or implied warranty. Every user is permitted to create derivative work to this program. However, all copies of the program and its derivative works must contain the above copyright notice. We would like to ask every user to supply a copy of any change, enhancement or derivative work to the mailing address Thank you in advance. Wafe 0.96 can be obtained via anonymous ftp from (for people without name server: the ip address is A split up version is available from the same directory. Donations for statically bound binaries of the OSF/Motif version of Wafe (mofe) are accepted. MAILING LIST: In order to subscribe to the Wafe mailing list, send a mail with the mailbody subscribe Wafe help to Postings should be sent to Appendix 2: LAYOUT CONVERTER. CvtStringToLayout (dpy, args, num_args, from, to, converter_data) Display *dpy; XrmValue *args; Cardinal *num_args; XrmValue *from, *to; XtPointer *converter_data; { static BoxPtr tmp; LayYYsetsource ((char *) from->addr); if (!to->addr) to->addr = (XtPointer)&tmp; LayYYsetdest ((BoxPtr *) to->addr); to->size = sizeof(BoxPtr *); if (LayYYparse () == 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } Appendix 3: ATTRIBUTE LISTS In order to redurce the number of backslashes in Wafe programs Wafe 0.96 supports the following feature: the lists of attribute value pairs (resource names and resource values) can be written between curly braces, where variable substitutions (using $) and command substitutions (using []) are performed, as if no curly braces were used. instead of writing a script in the form of set myLabel "This is a pretty Button" set fontSize 14 command c topLevel \ background navy \ foreground yellow \ label $myLabel \ font -b&h-lucida-bold-r-*-*-$fontSize-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-* realize one can write in Wafe 0.96 as well set myLabel "This is a pretty Button" set fontSize 14 command c topLevel { background navy foreground yellow label $myLabel font -b&h-lucida-bold-r-*-*-$fontSize-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-* } realize obtaining same results (both formats are supported). As another example, mergeResources can be written now in the form of mergeResources topLevel { *font -b&h-lucida-bold-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-* *shadowWidth 3 *background gainsboro *plotAreaColor gainsboro *plot*background gray *.left chainLeft *.top chainTop } Note that internally all newlines within these lists are removed. Do not specify resources between curly brackets that need the newlines (eg. translations). If someone knows a cheap way how to achieve this i would be glad to hear about it. Appendix 4: DRAG AND DROP (using Athena Widgets) #!/usr/bin/X11/wafe --f set FILESEARCHPATH /usr/include/X11/%T/%N:/usr/lib/X11/twm/%N ### use pixmap from ctwm distribution set dragBitmap arthur.xpm command Johann topLevel label "you can drag me" realize # create a drag shell transientShell dragShell topLevel { overrideRedirect true allowShellResize true mappedWhenManaged false } label dragLabel dragShell leftBitmap xlogo16 action Johann override \ ": exec(rddSetDropData {bist du es 1?}) \ set() rddWafeStartAction($dragBitmap)" action Johann override {\ : notify() unset() rddWafeDropAction() : rddWafeDragAction() : exec(rddSetDropData {bist du es 2?}) \ exec(sV dragLabel label {der Mittlere}) \ set() rddWafeStartAction(shell dragShell) : exec(rddSetDropData {bist du es 3?}) \ exec(sV dragLabel label {die rechte Maustaste}) \ set() rddWafeStartAction(shell dragShell) } rddAddDropHandler Johann {echo message <$DROP>} ===========