wigwam is a bundle of tricks for itcl_wish that magically enables the Tk widgets to be regarded as [incr tcl] classes. The illusion is accomplished by transparently creating wrapper classes that are functionally equivalent to the widgets. The use of a wrapper name, viz. itcl_button, itcl_canvas, etc., as a command or in an inherit statement is sufficient to spark auto-loading into life and cause generation on the fly. While it would be possible, with no advantage, to use the wrappers in place of the widgets, e.g. itcl_button .b -text help -command "puts help" the real gain comes from the potential for subclassing, e.g. itcl_class FileDisplayer { inherit itcl_text constructor {args} { eval itcl_text::constructor $args } public file {} { if {$file != "" && ![catch {open $file r} fd]} { tk_delete 1.0 end insert end [read $fd] close $fd } } } FileDisplayer .fd -height 40 -file README .fd configure -file INSTALL Of even greater interest is likely to be the possibility of creating compound widgets by subclassing itcl_frame, e.g. itcl_class Control { inherit itcl_frame constructor {args} { eval itcl_frame::constructor $args label $this.value scale $this.slider -showvalue false switch $orient { vertical {pack $this.value $this.slider -side left -fill y} default {$this.slider configure -orient horizontal pack $this.value $this.slider -fill x} } bind $this.slider "$this update" update } method update {} { $this.value configure -text [$this.slider get] } public orient {horizontal} } Control .c -orient vertical This release is compatible with itcl-1.5 and can be obtained from harbor.ecn.purdue.edu in /pub/tcl/code/wigwam-1.5.tar.gz. The distribution contains some sample classes that have been written using the wrappers. Examples belonging to the first category are: BasicEntry A base class for entry widgets that adds provision for the specification of a command to be executed when Return is pressed. Scanvas A canvas with scan scrolling enabled. and to the second FileNominator A file selector similar to the one in JKW's Xaw aXe editor. Viewport A container that adds scrolling to an arbitrary scrollable widget. Nautilus, the [incr tcl] browser/debugger by LFM, is written using wigwam techniques. Wigwam is an acronym of "wrappers for [incr tcl] graphics by Wight and Marshall". ------- Jim Wight Lindsay Marshall