TkMH, version 1.0b2 (November 20, 1993) This is an interface for the Mailing system MH. I have been using MH and Xmh for quite a while now, but I never really was satisfied about Xmh. So when I got my hands on tcl/tk, I decided to make a different interface. In the beginning I was planning on keeping it simple, just for personal use, but other people got interested, and while I was programming, I added more and more features. I think it is in a stage now that it can be distributed out into the world, for people to try it. TkMH has been written using tcl7.0 and tk3.3. It has been tested on DECstation 5000 model 200, ULTRIX 4.2a, MH 6.7.1 DECstation 2100, ULTRIX 4.2a, MH 6.7.1 To install TkMH: # Edit the Makefile and the file tkmh.rc. # type make install: This will install an executable tkmh in the bin directory you chose and install the library and help files in a subdirectory called tkmh from the libdir you chose. It will also install a little tool I wrote to convert elm folders to mh folders, when I started using MH. If you don't want this installed, then remove the entry 'elm2mh' after the 'all:' rule in the Makefile. # type tkmh, and try it # If you want to try before installing, edit the Makefile so that the libdir points to the ./lib, and the file tkmh.rc. Type 'make all', change the variable 'tkmh_lib' in the executable tkmh to 'lib'. Type ./tkmh. WARNING! This is a beta release, it has only been tested on my machine, a DECstation 5000 model 200 running ULTRIX 4.2a, using tcl 7.0, tk3.3 and MH6.7.1. If you plan to test it, you should back up your Mail directory first! There shouldn't be any danger, but you never know..... If you get it up and running on your system, I would be delighted to know. I also would like to hear any suggestions, remarks or comments. Read the file TODO to see what I already thought of myself. Martien Verbruggen University of Technology, Eindhoven The Netherlands email: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: # For the help function I was inspired by the help function from tkinspect release 4d, written by Sam Shen. # The file browser I use in the Edit window is strongly based on the j:fs file selector box from the jlibrary written by Jay Sekora. VERSIONS: Nov 20 1993 1.0b2 Fixed Bugs in alias handling, and changed some of the functions. Use show in stead of /bin/cat to show messages. Nov 18 1993 1.0b1 The first version of the program.