Objectify -- turn C++ classes into Tcl objects. Wayne Christopher, faustus@cs.berkeley.edu Version 1.0, June 10, 1993 Copyright (c) 1993 Wayne Christopher. Permission is granted to copy, modify and distribute, provided this notice is preserved. No warranty is provided or implied, etc, etc. This is my first cut at automating the process of turning C++ classes into Tcl object types. For a further description of this system, please read the paper in the file paper.ps. That, together with the simple example described below, should be enough to get you started. This distribution contains the following files: - README This file - objectify A Tcl script to generate object interfaces - objectify.h To be included in the user's class .h file - test.h Sample class definition .h file - test.cc Implementation file for test.h classes - test_main.cc Hacked wish main() - objConfig.c Hacked version of Tk_ConfigureWidget, which is needed for non-widget objects - Makefile Creates test executable - text.tcl Exercise the test program - paper.tex, paper.bib Unformatted paper from the Tcl/Tk workshop on 6/10/93 and 6/11/93 that describes this system in more detail. - paper.ps Postscript version of this paper. I have compiled this code with gcc 2.3.3 with no problems (except for occasional unused functions) but it should work with any ANSI compiler. Please let me know of any problems with this code or any suggestions for its improvement.