NAME LBMA::Statistics - Obtain Gold and Silver Fixings (Prices) from London Bullion Market DESCRIPTION This module obtains Gold and Silver Fixings (Prices) from Statistics of the London Bullion Market and the underlying table . Information returned by this module is governed by LBMA's terms and conditions. "If you wish to use the gold or silver Fixing prices for commercial purposes, including to incorporate them into commercial products which you intend to market, sell or otherwise provide to third parties, you must pay the required fee and obtain a licence from The London Gold Market Fixing Limited and / or The London Silver Market Fixing Limited as appropriate. See and for full details." It's designed to use with cron to retrieve data on a daily basis in the evening. London Gold Fixing From Wikipedia (): *The Gold Fixing (also known as the London Gold Fixing or Gold Fix) is the procedure by which the price of gold is set on the London market by the five members of the London Gold Pool. It is designed to fix a price for settling contracts between members of the London bullion market, but informally the Gold Fixing provides a recognized rate that is used as a benchmark for pricing the majority of gold products and derivatives throughout the world's markets. The Gold Fixing is conducted twice a day by telephone, at 10:30 GMT and 15:00 GMT.* Gold prices are fixed in United States dollars (USD), Pound sterling (GBP) and since 1999 European euros (EUR). Historic daily prices are available back to 1968. London Silver Fixing Silver prices are fixed in United States dollars (USD), Pound sterling (GBP) and since 1999 European euros (EUR). Published once a day at 12:00 GMT. Historic daily prices are available back to 1968. SYNOPSIS new - Constructor use strict; use warnings; use LBMA::Statistics; my $lbma = LBMA::Statistics->new() or die $!; dailygoldfixing Parameters Parameters are all lowercase. * year - four digit year (1968 .. ) * month - one or two digit month (1 .. 12) * day - one or two digit day (1 .. 31) my @fixings = $lbma->dailygoldfixing( year => $year, month => $month, day => $day, ) or die; If no parameters are passed to this method, today is assumed. Today is determined using UTC. In doubt pass a valid date. my @fixings = $lbma->dailygoldfixing( ); Dies if supplied date ain't valid or before 1968. return values Returns an array of fixings. The number and order of elements varies depending on the year data is retrieved. There is no EUR before 1999. # @fixings 1999 -- # 0 date (DD-MMM-YY) # 1 GOLD A.M. USD # 2 GOLD A.M. GBP # 3 GOLD A.M. EUR # 4 GOLD P.M. USD # 5 GOLD P.M. GBP # 6 GOLD P.M. EUR # # @fixings 1968 -- 1998 # 0 date (DD-MMM-YY) # 1 GOLD A.M. USD # 2 GOLD A.M. GBP # 3 GOLD P.M. USD # 4 GOLD P.M. GBP In scalar context a reference to an array is returned. Returns undef or empty list if data can't be retrieved e.g. dates without fixing like holidays. Returns an array with the date slot filled and undef for all other slots if you're trying to fetch data before A.M. fixing. Returns an array with the date and A.M. slots filled and whitespace for all other slots if you're trying to fetch data before P.M. and after A.M. fixing. dailygoldfixing_am same as dailygoldfixing but returns just the A.M. Fixing Data my @fixings = $lbma->dailygoldfixing_am( ); my @fixings = $lbma->dailygoldfixing_am( year => $year, month => $month, day => $day, ) or die; # @fixings 1999 - ... # 0 date # 1 GOLD A.M. USD # 2 GOLD A.M. GBP # 3 GOLD A.M. EUR # @fixings 1968 - 1998 # 0 date # 1 GOLD A.M. USD # 2 GOLD A.M. GBP dailysilverfixing Parameters Parameters are all lowercase. * year - four digit year (1968 .. ) * month - one or two digit month (1 .. 12) * day - one or two digit day (1 .. 31) my @fixings = $lbma->dailysilverfixing( year => $year, month => $month, day => $day, ) or die; If no parameters are passed to this class, today is assumed. Today is determined using UTC. In doubt pass a valid date. my @fixings = $lbma->dailysilverfixing( ); Dies if supplied date ain't valid or before 1968. return values Returns an array of fixings The number and order of elements varies depending on the year data is retrieved. There is no EUR before 1999. # @fixings 1999 -- # 0 date # 1 SILVER USD # 2 SILVER GBP # 3 SILVER EUR # # @fixings 1968 -- 1998 # 0 date # 1 SILVER USD # 2 SILVER GBP In scalar context a reference to an array is returned. Returns undef or empty list if data can't be retrieved e.g. dates without fixing like holidays. Returns an array(ref) with the date slot filled and undef for all other slots if you're trying to fetch data before the fixing. EXAMPLES Example 1 Daily Gold Fixing #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use LBMA::Statistics; use Log::Log4perl qw/:easy/; Log::Log4perl->easy_init(); my $lbma = LBMA::Statistics->new(); print join("|",$lbma->dailygoldfixing() ) ,"\n"; print join("|",$lbma->dailygoldfixing( year => 2009, month => 2, day => 2) ) , "\n"; print join("|",$lbma->dailygoldfixing( year => 2000, month => 1, day => 4) ) , "\n"; Example 2 Daily Goldy Fixing A.M. data #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use LBMA::Statistics; use Log::Log4perl qw/:easy/; Log::Log4perl->easy_init(); my $lbma = LBMA::Statistics->new(); # @fixings # 0 date # 1 GOLD A.M. USD # 2 GOLD A.M. GBP # 3 GOLD A.M. EUR print join("|",$lbma->dailygoldfixing_am() ) ,"\n"; print join("|",$lbma->dailygoldfixing_am( year => 2009, month => 2, day => 2) ) , "\n"; print join("|",$lbma->dailygoldfixing_am( year => 2000, month => 1, day => 4) ) , "\n"; Example 3 Daily Silver Fixing #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use LBMA::Statistics; use Log::Log4perl qw/:easy/; Log::Log4perl->easy_init(); my $lbma = LBMA::Statistics->new(); print join("|",$lbma->dailysilverfixing() ) ,"\n"; print join("|",$lbma->dailysilverfixing( year => 2009, month => 2, day => 2) ) , "\n"; print join("|",$lbma->dailysilverfixing( year => 2000, month => 1, day => 4) ) , "\n"; SEE ALSO * Statistics of the London Bullion Market * LBMA Statistics Gold Fixing * LBMA Statistics Silver Fixing * Finance::Quote::GoldMoney PREREQUISITES * DateTime * WWW::Mechanize * HTML::TableExtract * Log::Log4perl TODO * Write more tests * Find a solution for handling years before 1999 (the years before the european EUR) * Add methods to return hashes for data rows AUTHOR Thomas Fahle, "" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-lbma-statistics at", or through the web interface at . I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc LBMA::Statistics You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014 Thomas Fahle This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.