############################################################################## SDL::App::FPS - base/parent class for frame rate centric SDL applications This base class can be easy subclassed for your own projects. It is a basic building block for building SDL applications that need a fast framerate with event handling before each frame. Features ======== * Framerate monitoring, so you can adjust the scene complexity in real-time * Capping the framerate, even with the inaccurate timer delays * event handling in between frames (very fast response to user action) * decoupling of the animaition speed from the framerate by using an extra clock (meaning the animation has the same speed, independed from the current frame rate) * time warp of the clock (see above): the clock can be warped by a factor, which can even be changed on a frame-by-frame basis. This allows effects like slow motion or fast forward, complete with ramping (e.g. slowly slowing down). Installation ============ * You need at least SDL for Perl and SDL itself from . * untar/ungzip the package (replace 0.02 with the version you got) tar -xzf SDL-App-FPS-0.02.tar.gz * Check the signature. Download my key from http://bloodgate.com/ or from my CPAN directory. Then do in the build directory (where you unwrapped stuff): cpansign -v * if the signature verifies OK, proceed. Otherwise NOTIFY ME IMMIDIATELY. Do NOT INSTALL THE PACKAGE! Your system might get compromised. * Build the make file: perl Makefile.PL * Make the project make * Run the tests: make test * If all tests pass, install as root: su [enter password] make install exit * If some tests fail, please notify me. Usage ===== Look at the files in t/ (MyFPS.pm and myfpm.t) for how to use it. Please send me test-reports, your experiences with this and your ideas - I love to hear about my work! Tels