=pod To better view this file, use: perldoc README =head1 graphcnv Take textual graph descriptions and turn them into something that looks pretty. This package is intended to integrate Graph::Easy into Wikimedia, the software behind popular wikis like http://en.wikipedia.org/. For instance this input: [ Bonn ] -> [ Berlin ] [ Berlin -> [ Frankfurt ] { border: 1px dotted black; } [ Frankfurt ] -> [ Dresden ] [ Berlin ] -> [ Potsdam ] [ Potsdam ] => [ Cottbus ] would be rendered in ASCII as: +------+ +--------+ ............. +---------+ | Bonn | --> | Berlin | --> : Frankfurt : --> | Dresden | +------+ +--------+ ............. +---------+ | | v +---------+ +---------+ | Potsdam | ==> | Cottbus | +---------+ +---------+ The HTML, SVG or PNG output would look similiar, except be more pretty :o) =head1 Check the Signature First you need to check the signature on the package to verify that it is untampered and intact. To do this you have to: =over 2 =item * Install the Perl module Module::Signature from http://search.cpan.org =item * Get my key from http://bloodgate.com/tels.asc, import it into GnuPG with: gpg --import tels.asc You may also let the C utility fetch it automatically from a keyserver, if that works for you. =item * Extract the package to a directory, change there and then: =item * Type on a console: cpansign --verify inside the unpacked directory. =back If the last step says "good signature" or "SIGNATURE VERIFIED OK", everything is all right. Note that if C let GnuPG download my key from a keyserver, it might put a C file in the package directory, and then afterward complain that "tels.asc" is not in the MANIFEST: Not in MANIFEST: tels.asc ==> MISMATCHED content between MANIFEST and distribution files! <== You can safely ignore this warning. B Please notify me immidiately if the signature does not verify. In that case do B install this software, your system might get compromised! =head1 Installation Install the following Perl modules into your system: Heap Config-Tiny Graph-Easy Graph-Easy-As_svg (optional, for SVG output) You can get these modules from C. Afterwards, you should be able to run this on any command line: perl -MGraph::Easy\ 99 and it should report your installed Graph::Easy version (like v0.34). Graph::Easy version 99 required--this is only version 0.34. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted. If it says something about "Graph::Easy" not being found, you need to install it first as root (see above!). Note: You do NOT need to install Graph::Simple (the former name of Graph::Easy), nor Graph (formerly used by Graph::Easy). If they are already installed, that will not do any harm, however. =head2 Run the testsuite Run in the directory of this package: perl Makefile.PL make test All tests should pass. If not, please notify me. Then place the contents of this mediawiki-graph.tar.gz file so that it is a subdirectory named 'graph' of your wiki installation like this: http_docroot \ - cgi-bin etc \ - wiki \ - graph <-- here \ - math etc Make a backup of your wiki directory! I repeat, MAKE A BACKUP! You have been warned! Now copy B the files from the C subdirectory of C to to the extension dir of your wiki, like so: http_docroot \ - cgi-bin etc \ - wiki \ - graph \ - extensions <-- from here \ - extensions <-- to here At present this is only one file, C. Then include the following line in your C: include('extensions/Graph.php'); Now you should be able to edit any page of the wiki and insert: [ Bonn ] -> [ Berlin ] and hit preview. If you get error messages like: Error running graphcnv. make sure that you can run manually (from your wiki directory): ./graph/graphcnv '[ Bonn ] -> [ Berlin ]' 'ascii' and get a pretty ASCII art back. =head1 CONFIGURATION Inside the C subdirectory there is a file called C. Copy it to C like so: http_docroot \ - cgi-bin etc \ - wiki \ - graph graph.cfg.sample <-- from here graph.cfg <-- to here Then edit it to your match your settings. For more information please see L or send me an email. =head1 SVG AND PNG OUTPUT To enable SVG/PNG etc. output, you need to create a directory for the files that will be generated for the graphs. (Inlining the SVG code in the HTML page directly does not work, since no browser seesm to support this properly at this time). The C<.svg> (or C<.png>) files are written to the output directory set in the config file, which defaults to C<./images/graph/>. So you need to make sure that this directory exists and is writable by the web server process: http_docroot \ - cgi-bin etc \ - wiki \ - images \ - graph <-- create this directory \ - extensions etc You need also make sure that you web server process can write to this directory, so you might need to give it the same user/group as the process is using, f.i. C. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2004 - 2006 by Tels http://bloodgate.com/ Contact: (literally :) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of the GPL version 2.