############################################################################## Game::3D - classes to represent 3D points and objects DESCRIPTION =========== This package provides a wide-range of objects that can be used as primary game objects in a 3D game. The two basic objects are Point and Area, which describe a point and an area in 3D space. Another base class is Thingy, which gives things an ID, and a name as well as a state (activated, deactivated, on, off etc) as well as the capability to send/receive signals and to be linked to other objects. There is also a Link, which is a Thingy, which can be used to link other Thingies together in complicated ways (the link basically relays signals between the Thingies). All other objects are based on on of Point and Area, as well as Thingy. There exist both virtual objects (like Marker and SoundSources, Camera) as well es physical objects like NPCs, the Player, Button, Switch, Lever etc. For some background information, as well reasoning why this was developed and why in this way, browse to: http://bloodgate.com/perl/sdl/game.html Installation ============ * untar/ungzip the package (replace 0.01 with the version you got) tar -xzf Game::3D.tar.gz * Check the signature. Download my key from http://bloodgate.com/tels.asc or from my CPAN directory. Then do in the build directory (where you unwrapped stuff): cpansign -v * if the signature verifies OK, proceed. Otherwise NOTIFY ME IMMIDIATELY. Do NOT INSTALL THE PACKAGE! Your system might get compromised! * Build the make file: perl Makefile.PL * Make the project make * Run the tests: make test * If some tests fail, please notify me. * If all tests pass, install as root: su [enter password] make install exit Now download SDL::App::FPs and look at it's examples to see how to use this. Please send me test-reports, your experiences with this and your ideas - I love to hear about my work! Tels