NAME Net::ThreeScale::Client - Client for web API version 2.0 SYNOPSIS use Net::ThreeScale::Client; my $client = new Net::ThreeScale::Client(provider_key=>"my_assigned_provider_key", url=>""); my $response = $client->authorize(app_id => $app_id, app_key => $app_key); if($response->is_success) { print "authorized ", $response->transaction,"\"n"; ... my @transactions = ( { app_id => $app_id, usage => { hits => 1, }, timestamp => "2010-09-01 09:01:00", }, { app_id => $app_id, usage => { hits => 1, }, timestamp => "2010-09-02 09:02:00", } ); my $report_response = $client->report(transactions=>\@transactions)); if($report_response->is_success){ print STDERR "Transactions reported\n"; } else { print STDERR "Failed to report transactions", $response->error_code(),":", $response->error_message(),"\n"; } } else { print STDERR "authorize failed with error :", $response->error_message,"\n"; if($response->error_code == TS_RC_AUTHORIZE_FAILED) { print "Provider key is invalid"; } else { ... } } CONSTRUCTOR The class method new(...) creates a new 3Scale client object. This may be used to conduct transactions with the 3Scale service. The object is stateless and transactions may span multiple clients. The following parameters are recognised as arguments to new(): provider_key (required) The provider key used to identify you with the 3Scale service url (optional) The 3Scale service URL, usually this should be left to the default value $response = $client->authorize(app_id=>$app_id, app_key=>$app_key) Starts a new client transaction the call must include a application id (as a string) and (optionally) an application key (string), identifying the application to use. Returns a Net::ThreeScale::Response object which indicates whether the authorization was successful or indicates an error if one occured. $response = $client->report(transactions=>\@transactions) Reports a list of transactions to 3Scale. transactions=>{app_id=>value,...} Should be an array similar to the following: my @transactions = ( { app_id => $app_id, usage => { hits => 1, } timestamp => "2010-09-01 09:01:00", }, { app_id => $app_id, usage => { hits => 1, } timestamp => "2010-09-01 09:02:00", }, ); EXPORTS / ERROR CODES The following constants are exported and correspond to error codes which may appear in calls to Net::ThreeScale::Response::error_code TS_RC_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully TS_RC_AUTHORIZE_FAILED The passed provider key was invalid TS_RC_UNKNOWN_ERROR An unspecified error occurred. See the corresponding message for more detail. SEE ALSO Net::ThreeScale::Response Contains details of response contnet and values. AUTHOR (c) Owen Cliffe 2008, Eugene Oden 2010