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Uses raku [Physics::Unit](https://github.com/p6steve/raku-Physics-Unit). # Instructions ```zef install --verbose https://github.com/p6steve/raku-Physics-Measure.git``` and, conversely, ```zef uninstall Physics::Measure``` # Synopsis ```perl6 use lib '../lib'; use Physics::Measure :ALL; # Basic mechanics example (SI units)... # Define a distance and a time my \d = 42m; say ~d; #42 m (Length) my \t = 10s; say ~t; #10 s (Time) # Calculate speed and acceleration my \u = d / t; say ~u; #4.2 m/s (Speed) my \a = u / t; say ~a; #0.42 m/s^2 (Acceleration) # Define mass and calculate force my \m = 25kg; say ~m; #25 kg (Mass) my \f = m * a; say ~f; #10.5 N (Force) # Calculate final speed and distance travelled my \v = u + a*t; say ~v; #8.4 m/s (Speed) my \s = u*t + (1/2) * a * t*t; say ~s; #63 m (Length) # Calculate potential energy my \pe = f * s; say ~pe; #661.5 J (Energy) # Calculate kinetic energy my \ke1 = (1/2) * m * u*u; my \ke2 = (1/2) * m * v*v; # Calculate the delta in kinetic energy my \Δke = ke2 - ke1; # Compare potential vs. delta kinetic energy (pe cmp Δke).say; #Same ``` This example shows some key features of Physics::Measure... * support for SI prefixes, base and derived units (cm, kg, ml and so on) * imported as raku postfix operators for convenience and clarity * custom math operators ```(+-*/)``` for easy inclusion in calculations * inference of type class (Length, Time, Mass, etc.) from units * derivation of type class of results (Speed, Acceleration, etc.) # Use Cases The Physics::Measure and Physics::Unit modules were designed with the following use cases in mind: * convenient use for practical science - lab calculations and interactive presentation of data sets * a framework for educators and students to interactively explore basic physics via a modern OO language * an everyday unit conversion and calculation tool (not much point if it can't convert miles to km and so on) Some other use cases - use for physical chemistry calculations (eg. environmental) and for historic data ingestion - have also been seen on the horizon and the author would be happy to work with you to help adapt to meet a wider set of needs. # Design Model To address the Use Cases, the following consistent functional parts have been created: * a raku Class and Object model to represent Units and Measurements * methods for Measure math operations, output, comparison, conversion, normalisation and rebasing * a Unit Grammar to parse unit expressions and cope with textual variants such as ‘miles per hour’ or ‘mph’, or ‘m/s’, ‘ms^-1’, ‘m.s-1’ * an extensible library of about 800 built in unit types covering SI base, derived, US and imperial * a set of "API" options to meet a variety of consumption needs Together Physics::Measure and Physics::Unit follow this high level class design model: ```perl6 class Unit { has Str $.defn; #... } class Measure { has Real $.value; has Unit $.units; has Error $.error; #tbd in version 2 #... } class Length is Measure {} class Time is Measure {} class Speed is Measure {} #and so on ``` Type classes represent physical measurement such as (Length), (Time), (Speed), etc. They are child classes of the (Measure) parent class. You can do math operations on (Measure) objects - (Length) can add/subtract to (Length), (Time) can add/subtract to (Time), and so on. A mismatch like adding a (Length) to a (Time) gives a raku Type error _cannot convert in to different type Length_. You can, however, divide e.g. (Length) by (Time) and then get a (Speed) type back. (Length) ** 2 => (Area). (Length) ** 3 => (Volume). And so on. There are 36 pre-defined types provided. Methods are provided to create custom units and types. Therefore, in the normal course, please make your objects as instances of the Child type classes. # Three Consumer Options ## OPtion 1: Postfix Operator Syntax (SI Units) As seen above, if you just want SI prefixes, base and derived units (cm, kg, ml and so on), the :ALL export label provides them as raku postfix:<> custom operators. This option is intended for scientist / coders who want fast and concise access to a modern Unit library. Here is another example, basic wave mechanics, bringing in the Physics::Constants module: ```perl6 use Physics::Constants; #<== must use before Physics::Measure use Physics::Measure :ALL; $Physics::Measure::round-to = 0.01; my \λ = 2.5nm; my \ν = c / λ; my \Ep = ℎ * ν; say "Wavelength of photon (λ) is " ~λ; #2.5 nm say "Frequency of photon (ν) is " ~ν.norm; #119.92 petahertz say "Energy of photon (Ep) is " ~Ep.norm; #79.46 attojoule ``` The following SI units are provided in all Prefix-Unit combinations: | SI Base Unit (7) | SI Derived Unit (20) | SI Prefix (20) | |-------------------|------------------------------------------------|----------------| | 'm', 'metre', | 'Hz', 'hertz', | 'da', 'deka', | | 'g', 'gram', | 'N', 'newton', | 'h', 'hecto', | | 's', 'second', | 'Pa', 'pascal', | 'k', 'kilo', | | 'A', 'amp', | 'J', 'joule', | 'M', 'mega', | | 'K', 'kelvin', | 'W', 'watt', | 'G', 'giga', | | 'mol', 'mol', | 'C', 'coulomb', | 'T', 'tera', | | 'cd', 'candela', | 'V', 'volt', | 'P', 'peta', | | | 'F', 'farad', | 'E', 'exa', | | | 'Ω', 'ohm', | 'Z', 'zetta', | | | 'S', 'siemens', | 'Y', 'yotta', | | | 'Wb', 'weber', | 'd', 'deci', | | | 'T', 'tesla', | 'c', 'centi', | | | 'H', 'henry', | 'm', 'milli', | | | 'lm', 'lumen', | 'μ', 'micro', | | | 'lx', 'lux', | 'n', 'nano', | | | 'Bq', 'becquerel', | 'p', 'pico', | | | 'Gy', 'gray', | 'f', 'femto', | | | 'Sv', 'sievert', | 'a', 'atto', | | | 'kat', 'katal', | 'z', 'zepto', | | | 'l', 'litre', | 'y', 'yocto', | #litre included due to common use of ml, dl, etc. ## Option 2: Object Constructor Syntax In addition to the SI units listed above, Physics::Measure (and Physics::Unit) offers a comprehensive library of non-metric units. US units and Imperial units include feet, miles, knots, hours, chains, tons and over 200 more. The non-metric units are not exposed as postfix operators. ```perl6 my Length $d = Length.new(value => 42, units => 'miles'); say ~$d; #42 mile my Time $t = Time.new( value => 7, units => 'hours'); say ~$t; #7 hr my $s = $d / $t; say ~$s.in('mph'); #6 mph ``` A flexible unit expression parser is included to cope with textual variants such as ‘miles per hour’ or ‘mph’; or ‘m/s’, ‘ms^-1’, ‘m.s-1’ (the SI derived unit representation) or ‘m⋅s⁻¹’ (the SI recommended string representation, with superscript powers). The unit expression parser decodes a valid unit string into its roots, extracting unit dimensions and inferring the appropriate type. ```perl6 #Colloquial terms or unicode superscripts can be used for powers in unit declarations #square, sq, squared, cubic, cubed #x¹ x² x³ x⁴ and x⁻¹ x⁻² x⁻³ x⁻⁴ ``` Of course, the standard raku object constructor syntax may be used for SI units too: ```perl6 my Length $l = Length.new(value => 42, units => 'μm'); say ~$l; #42 micrometre ``` This syntax option is the most structured and raku native. For example, it helps educators to use units and basic physics exercises as a way to introduce students to formal raku Object Orientation principles. ## Option 3: Libra Shorthand Syntax In many cases, coders will want the flexibility of the unit expression parser and the wider range of non-metric units but they also want a concise notation. In this case, the unicode libra emoji ♎️ is provided as shorthand for object construction: ```perl6 #The libra ♎️ is shorthand to construct objects... my $a ♎️ '4.3 m'; say "$a"; #4.3 m my $b ♎️ '5e1 m'; say "$b"; #50 m my $c ♎️ $a; say "$c"; #4.3 m my Length $l ♎️ 42; say "$l"; #42 m (default to base unit of Length) #...there is an ASCII variant of <♎️> namely ``` _Use the emoji editor provided on your system (or just cut and paste)_ ```perl6 #About 230 built in units are included, for example... my $v2 ♎️ '7 yards^3'; #7 yard^3 (Volume) my $v3 = $v2.in( 'm3' ); #5.352 m^3 (Volume) my $dsdt = $s / $t; #0.000106438 m/s^2 (Acceleration) my $sm ♎️ '70 mph'; #70 mph (Speed) my $fo ♎️ '27 kg m / s2'; #27 N (Force) my $en ♎️ '26 kg m^2 / s^2'; #26 J (Energy) my $po ♎️ '25 kg m^2 / s^3'; #25 W (Power) ``` # Special Measure Types ## Angles ```perl6 #Angles use degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal radians my $θ1 ♎️ <45°30′30″>; #45°30′30″ (using <> to deconfuse quotation marks) my $θ2 ♎️ '2.141 radians'; #'2.141 radian' #NB. The unit name 'rad' is reserved for the unit of radioactive Dose # Trigonometric functions sin, cos and tan (and arc-x) handle Angles my $sine = sin( $θ1 ); #0.7133523847299412 my $arcsin = asin( $sine, units => '°' ); #45°30′30″ #NB. Provide the units => '°' tag to tell asin you want degrees back ``` ## Time ```perl6 #The Measure of Time has a raku Duration - i.e. the difference between two DateTime Instants: my $i1 = DateTime.now; my $i2 = DateTime.new( '2020-08-10T14:15:27.26Z' ); my $i3 = DateTime.new( '2020-08-10T14:15:37.26Z' ); my Duration $dur = $i3-$i2; #Here's how to us the libra assignment operator ♎️ for Time... my Time $t1 ♎️ '5e1 s'; #50 s my Time $t2 ♎️ $dur; #10 s my $t3 = $t1 + $t2; #60 s my Time $t4 ♎️ '2 hours'; #2 hr $dur = $t4.Duration; #7200 ``` # Unit Conversion ```perl6 #Unit Conversion uses the .in() method - specify the new units as a String my Length $df ♎️ '12.0 feet'; #12 ft my $dm = $df.in( 'm' ); #3.658 m $dm = $df.in: ; #alternate form my Temperature $deg-c ♎️ '39 °C'; my $deg-k = $deg-c.in( 'K' ); #312.15 K my $deg-cr = $deg-k.in( '°C' ); #39 °C #Use arithmetic to get high order or inverse Unit types such as Area, Volume, Frequency, etc. my Area $x = $a * $a; #18.49 m^2 my Speed $s = $a / $t2; #0.43 m/s my Frequency $f = 1 / $t2; #0.1 Hz #Use powers & roots with Int or Rat (<1/2>, <1/3> or <1/4>) my Volume $v = $a ** 3; #79.507 m^3 my Length $d = $v ** <1/3>; #0.43 m ``` # Rounding & Normalisation ```perl6 #Set rounding precision (or reset with Nil) - does not reduce internal precision $Physics::Measure::round-to = 0.01; #Normalize SI Units to the best SI prefix (from example above) say "Frequency of photon (ν) is " ~ν.norm; #119.92 petahertz #Reset to SI base type with the .rebase() method my $v4 = $v2.rebase; #5.35 m^3 ``` # Comparison Methods ```perl6 #Measures can be compared with $a cmp $b my $af = $a.in: 'feet'; #4.3 m => 14.108 feet say $af cmp $a; #Same #Measures can be tested for equality with Numeric ==,!= say $af == $a; #True say $af != $a; #False #Use string equality eq,ne to distinguish different units with same type say $af eq $a; #False say $af ne $a; #True ``` # Output Methods To see what you have got, then go: ```perl6 my $po = 25W; say ~$po; say "$po"; say $po.Str; #25 W (defaults to derived unit) say +$po; say $po.value; say $po.Real; #25 say $po.WHAT; #(Power) say $po.canonical; #25 m2.s-3.kg (SI base units) say $po.pretty; #25 m²⋅s⁻³⋅kg (SI recommended style) ``` # Summary The family of Physics::Measure, Physics::Unit and Physics::Constants raku modules is a consistent and extensible toolkit intended for science and education. It provides a comprehensive library of both metric (SI) and non-metric units, it is built on a Type Object foundation, it has a unit expression Grammar and implements math, conversion and comparison methods. Any feedback is welcome to p6steve / via the github Issues above.