NAME Perinci::CmdLine::Lite - A Rinci/Riap-based command-line application framework VERSION This document describes version 1.903 of Perinci::CmdLine::Lite (from Perl distribution Perinci-CmdLine-Lite), released on 2021-01-30. SYNOPSIS In "gen-random-num" script: use Perinci::CmdLine::Lite; our %SPEC; $SPEC{gen_random_num} = { v => 1.1, summary => 'Generate some random numbers', args => { count => { summary => 'How many numbers to generate', schema => ['int*' => min=>0], default => 1, cmdline_aliases=>{n=>{}}, req => 1, pos => 0, }, min => { summary => 'Lower limit of random number', schema => 'float*', default => 0, }, max => { summary => 'Upper limit of random number', schema => 'float*', default => 1, }, }, result_naked => 1, }; sub gen_random_num { my %args = @_; my @res; for (1..$args{count}) { push @res, $args{min} + rand()*($args{max}-$args{min}); } \@res; } Perinci::CmdLine::Lite->new(url => '/main/gen_random_num')->run; Run your script: % ./gen-random-num 0.999473691060306 % ./gen-random-num --min 1 --max 10 5 1.27390166158969 1.69077475473679 8.97748327778684 5.86943773494068 8.34341298182493 JSON output support out of the box: % ./gen-random-num -n3 --json [200,"OK (envelope added by Perinci::Access::Lite)",[0.257073684902029,0.393782991540746,0.848740540017513],{}] Automatic help message: % ./gen-random-num -h gen-random-num - Generate some random numbers Usage: gen-random-num --help (or -h, -?) gen-random-num --version (or -v) gen-random-num [options] [count] Options: --config-path=s Set path to configuration file --config-profile=s Set configuration profile to use --count=i, -n How many numbers to generate (=arg[0]) [1] --format=s Choose output format, e.g. json, text [undef] --help, -h, -? Display this help message --json Set output format to json --max=f Upper limit of random number [1] --min=f Lower limit of random number [0] --naked-res When outputing as JSON, strip result envelope [0] --no-config Do not use any configuration file --version, -v Automatic configuration file support: % cat ~/gen-random-num.conf count=5 max=0.01 % ./gen-random-num 0.00105268954838724 0.00701443611501844 0.0021247476506154 0.00813872824513005 0.00752832346491306 Automatic tab completion support: % complete -C gen-random-num gen-random-num % gen-random-num --mi See Perinci::CmdLine::Manual for details on other available features (subcommands, automatic formatting of data structures, automatic schema validation, dry-run mode, automatic POD generation, remote function support, automatic CLI generation, automatic --version, automatic HTTP API, undo/transactions, configurable output format, logging, progress bar, colors/Unicode, and more). DESCRIPTION Perinci::CmdLine is a command-line application framework. It allows you to create full-featured CLI applications easily and quickly. See Perinci::CmdLine::Manual for more details. There is also a blog post series on Perinci::CmdLine tutorial: Perinci::CmdLine::Lite is the default backend implementation. Another implementation is the heavier Perinci::CmdLine::Classic which has a couple of more features not yet incorporated into ::Lite, e.g. transactions. You normally should use Perinci::CmdLine::Any instead to be able to switch backend on the fly. REQUEST KEYS All those supported by Perinci::CmdLine::Base, plus: RESULT METADATA All those supported by Perinci::CmdLine::Base, plus: x.hint.result_binary => bool If set to true, then when formatting to "text" formats, this class won't print any newline to keep the data being printed unmodified. ATTRIBUTES All the attributes of Perinci::CmdLine::Base, plus: validate_args => bool (default: 1) METHODS All the methods of Perinci::CmdLine::Base, plus: ENVIRONMENT All the environment variables that Perinci::CmdLine::Base supports, plus: DEBUG Set log level to 'debug'. VERBOSE Set log level to 'info'. QUIET Set log level to 'error'. TRACE Set log level to 'trace'. LOG_LEVEL Set log level. PROGRESS => bool Explicitly turn the progress bar on/off. FORMAT_PRETTY_TABLE_COLUMN_ORDERS => array (json) Set the default of "table_column_orders" in "format_options" in result metadata, similar to what's implemented in Perinci::Result::Format and Data::Format::Pretty::Console. HOMEPAGE Please visit the project's homepage at . SOURCE Source repository is at . BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. SEE ALSO Perinci::CmdLine::Any Perinci::CmdLine::Classic Perinci::CmdLine::Inline AUTHOR perlancar COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 by This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.