=head1 NAME Filter::Swears will filter words or phrases from a string. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Filter::Swears; my $string = 'Hooray for boobies!'; my $filter = Filter::Swears->new( { char => '*', string => $string, strict => 1 } ); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print $filter->parse( ['boobies'] ); =head1 DESCRIPTION The Filter::Swears module will filter words or phrases from a string. The new() method accepts a hashref of options. char - The character to substitute filtered words with. string - The string to filter. strict - Set to 1 for strict filtering or 0 for gentle filtering. You may pass in an arrayref of words or phrases to the parse() method or a system file path. The file should contain one word or phrase per line to filter out. Using non strict filtering would filter the following (amongst other combinations)... boobies b.o.o.b.i.e.s b_o_o_b_i_e_s bboooobbiieess ..and any other combination of characters between the letters. Strict spacing would catch: b o o b i e s or b o o b i e s =head1 BUGS Please report any strange occurances to paul@cpan.org =head1 AUTHOR Written by Paul Wilson. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2002 Paul Wilson. All Rights Reserved. http://www.wiredon.net/ This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 VERSION Revision: $Id: Swears.pm,v 1.01 2002/05/02 12:40:33 paul Exp $ =cut