Data::Pageset(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Data::Pageset(3) NNAAMMEE Data::Pageset - Page numbering and page sets SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS use Data::Pageset; my $page_info = Data::Pageset->new({ 'total_entries' => $total_entries, 'entries_per_page' => $entries_per_page, # Optional, will use defaults otherwise. 'current_page' => $current_page, 'pages_per_set' => $pages_per_set, }); # General page information print " First page: ", $page_info->first_page, "\n"; print " Last page: ", $page_info->last_page, "\n"; print " Next page: ", $page_info->next_page, "\n"; print " Previous page: ", $page_info->previous_page, "\n"; # Results on current page print "First entry on page: ", $page_info->first, "\n"; print " Last entry on page: ", $page_info->last, "\n"; # Can add in the pages per set after the object is created $page_info->pages_per_set($pages_per_set); # Page set information print "First page of previous page set: ", $page_info->previous_set, "\n"; print " First page of next page set: ", $page_info->next_set, "\n"; # Print the page numbers of the current set foreach my $page (@{$page_info->pages_in_set()}) { if($page == $page_info->current_page()) { print "$page "; } else { print "$page "; } } DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The object produced by Data::Pageset can be used to create page naviga- tion, it inherits from Data::Page and has access to all methods from this object. In addition it also provides methods for dealing with set of pages, so that if there are too many pages you can easily break them into chunks for the user to browse through. The object can easily be passed to a templating system such as Template Toolkit or be used within a script. MMEETTHHOODDSS _n_e_w_(_) use Data::Pageset; my $page_info = Data::Pageset->new({ 'total_entries' => $total_entries, 'entries_per_page' => $entries_per_page, # Optional, will use defaults otherwise. 'current_page' => $current_page, 'pages_per_set' => $pages_per_set, }); This is the constructor of the object, it requires an anonymous hash containing the 'total_entries', how many data units you have, and the number of 'entries_per_page' to display. Optionally the 'current_page' (defaults to page 1) and pages_per_set (how many pages to display, defaults to 10) can be added. _c_u_r_r_e_n_t___p_a_g_e_(_) $page_info->current_page($page_num); This method sets the current_page to the argument supplied, it can also be set in the constructor, but you may want to reuse the object if printing out multiple pages. It will then return the page number once set. If this method is called without any arguments it returns the current page number. _p_a_g_e_s___p_e_r___s_e_t_(_) $page_info->pages_per_set($number_of_pages_per_set); Calling this method initalises the calculations required to use the paging methods below. The value can also be passed into the constructor method _n_e_w_(_). If called without any arguments it will return the current number of pages per set. _p_r_e_v_i_o_u_s___s_e_t_(_) print "Back to previous set which starts at ", $page_info->previous_set(), "\n"; This method returns the page number at the start of the previous page set. undef is return if pages_per_set has not been set. _n_e_x_t___s_e_t_(_) print "Next set starts at ", $page_info->next_set(), "\n"; This method returns the page number at the start of the next page set. undef is return if pages_per_set has not been set. _p_a_g_e_s___i_n___s_e_t_(_) foreach my $page_num (@{$page_info->pages_in_set()}) { print "Page: $page_num \n"; } This method returns an array ref of the the page numbers within the current set. undef is return if pages_per_set has not been set. EEXXPPOORRTT None by default. AAUUTTHHOORR Leo Lapworth - let me know if you've used this module - go on... you know you want to. SSEEEE AALLSSOO Data::Page. CCOOPPYYRRIIGGHHTT Copyright (C) 2003, Leo Lapworth This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.8.1 2005-01-08 Data::Pageset(3)