NAME IOToolkit - Perl extension to create logfiles SYNOPSIS Sample Script: use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; # processing command-line parameters use IOToolkit; package main; use vars qw($getopt_loglevel $program $programname); $program="logging"; $programname = $program.".pl"; my $logfilename = $program.".log"; my $version = "1.00"; my $description = "Logging-Sample"; GetOptions("loglevel=s" => \$getopt_loglevel); if (not(defined($getopt_loglevel))) { print "$description ($programname)\n"; print "Usage: \n$programname\n --loglevel=EMCDQ\n\n"; die "You did not provide any parameters. The program ended here.\n\n"; } logme("open",$logfilename); logme("D","$programname V$version started --------------------------------------------------"); logme("M","This is a MESSAGE"); logme("D","This is a DEBUG-MESSAGE"); logme("E","This is an ERROR-MESSAGE"); logme("Q","This is a SQL-QUERY-MESSAGE"); logme("C","This is a CONFIGURATION-MESSAGE"); logme("M","FATAL- and SYSTEM-MESSAGES (F/S) are always logged."); logme("M","If the loglevel parameter contains - no messages are displayed."); #logme("F","This is a FATAL-MESSAGE"); logme("D","$programname V$version ended --------------------------------------------------"); logme("close"); ABSTRACT DESCRIPTION This module was written to provide an easy way to log messages. It checks for an option --loglevel=EMCDEQ- where each character stands for a certain level. e.g. E=Error S=System M=Message D=Debug -=Silent the minus ("-") has a special meaning: supresses output to the screen and ONLY logs them to the file. Please see the sample script for more details. EXPORT logme and gettimestamp are exported. SEE ALSO AUTHOR Markus Linke, COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2004 by Markus Linke This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.