NAME IO::Toolkit ABSTRACT IO::Toolkit - Perl extension to create logfiles PREREQUISITS This module needs Crypt::RC6 for its encryption/decryption routine. Digest::MD5 and DirHandle used for checksum routines. SYNOPSIS Sample Script: ... soon ... This displays and creates a logfile like this: ... soon ... DESCRIPTION Provides a human-readable logfile and is ment to replace "print" and "die" in your programs. This module was written to provide an easy way to log messages. It checks for an option --loglevel=EMCDQ- where each character stands for a certain level. e.g. E = Error S = System M = Message D = Debug - = Silent all = All messages You can use all characters you would like to use. These are just examples. the minus ("-") has a special meaning: supresses output to the screen and ONLY logs them to the file. Please see the sample script for more details. The function gettimestamp returns the current time in the format used for the logfile. If you specifiy the format &gettimestamp("filename") it returns something like this: 20041009131500 IO::Toolkit::logme("M","Message") The first parameter specifies the severity of the message. The message is only logged, if $getopt_loglevel contains that severity. Because IO::Toolkit::logme is exported, you can just use logme("M","message") in your scripts. IO::Toolkit::moduleinfo prints a list of loaded modules. IO::Toolkit::trim trims a variable. IO::Toolkit::hash2sql creates SQL code to insert a hash into a table. Example: use IO::Toolkit; my %hash=( firstname=>"Markus", lastname=>"Linke", ); print IO::Toolkit::hash2sqlinsert("tablename",%hash)."\n"; Result: insert into tablename (firstname,lastname) values ("Markus","Linke") IO::Toolkit::sql2data executes SQL statement and creates a array of hashs use IO::Toolkit; use Data::Dumper; print Dumper(IO::Toolkit::sql2data($dbh,"select * from environments")); IO::Toolkit::encrypt and IO::Toolkit::decrypt needs two strings as parameters (e.g. seed and password) and returns an encrypted/decrypted value. IO::Toolkit::pid("exclusive|overwrite|remove","/tmp/"); Create or delete PID file. If set to exclusive, the program dies if the file already exists. my $md5 = IO::Toolkit::get_md5_checksum(""); Create a MD5 checksum for the filename provided. EXPORT logme and gettimestamp are exported. SEE ALSO for my personal homepage for website monitoring solutions for website visitor tracking and clickpath analysis MAILING LIST You can join the IO::Toolkit mailing list by sending an email to: Known Bugs none (for now) AUTHOR Markus Linke, COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2003-2004 by Markus Linke This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.