NAME CPAN::Changes::Group::Dependencies::Stats - Create a Dependencies::Stats section detailing summarized differences VERSION version 0.002001 SYNOPSIS use CPAN::Changes::Release 0.29; use CPAN::Changes::Group::Dependencies::Stats; my $s = CPAN::Changes::Group::Dependencies::Stats->new( prelude => [ 'Change statistics since 1.00' ], new_prereqs => CPAN::Meta->load_file('Dist-Foo-1.01/META.json')->effective_prereqs, old_prereqs => CPAN::Meta->load_file('Dist-Foo-1.00/META.json')->effective_prereqs, ); # Currently slightly complicated due to groups themselves # not presently being pluggable. my $rel = CPAN::Changes::Release->new( version => '1.01' ); $rel->attach( $s ) if $s->has_changes; $rel->serialize(); # RESULT # # [Dependencies::Stats] # - Change statistics since 1.00 # - build: -1 (recommends: -1) # - configure: +1 -1 (recommends: +1 -1) # - develop: +5 -5 (suggests: +2 -1) # - test: (recommends: +1 ↑1) METHODS "has_changes" Returns whether this group has any interesting changes or not. if ( $group->has_changes ) { $release->attach_group( $group ); } else { $release->delete_group( $group->name ); } "changes" Returns a list of change entries. my $changes = $object->changes; say $_ for @{$changes}; Format: %phase: %requiredstats (%optlabel: %optstats, ...) %phase is one of "configure", "build", "runtime", "develop", "test" %optlabel is one of "recommends", "suggests" %requiredstats and %optstats are strings of stat changes: %symbol%number %symbol%number ... %symbol is: + a dependency previously unseen in this phase/rel was added. ↑ a dependency in this phase/rel had its version requirement increased. ↓ a dependency in this phase/rel had its version requirement decreased. - this phase/rel had a dependency removed ~ a dependency type where either side was a complex version requirement changed in some way. For instance, this diff would display as: [Dependencies::Stats] - configure: +2 - develop: +12 ↑3 -2 (suggests: +58) - runtime: +3 - test: +1 ↓1 -1 (recommends: +2) Which is far less scary ☺ AUTHOR Kent Fredric COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Kent Fredric . This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.