RDF::Query - A SPARQL/RDQL implementation for RDF::Redland and RDF::Core RDF::Query allows RDQL and SPARQL queries to be run against an RDF model, returning rows of matching results. REQUIREMENTS To install RDF::Query you'll need the following perl modules installed: * Parse::RecDescent * LWP::Simple * RDF::Core or RDF::Redland INSTALLATION To install, run: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install VERSION HISTORY Version 1.012 (2005-04-24) * Stream objects now handle being constructed with an undef coderef. * Streams are now objects usinig the Redland QueryResult API. * RDF namespace is now always available in queries. * row() now uses a stream when calling execute(). * Added ORDER BY support to RDQL parser. * SPARQL constraints now properly use the 'FILTER' keyword. * SPARQL constraints can now use '&&' as an operator. * SPARQL namespace declaration is now optional. * Updated tests. Version 1.010 (2005-04-21) * execute now returns an iterator. * Added core support for DISTINCT, LIMIT, OFFSET. * Added initial core support for ORDER BY (only works on one column right now). * Broke out the query parser into it's own RDQL class. * Added initial support for a SPARQL parser. + Added support for blank nodes. + Added lots of syntactic sugar (with blank nodes, multiple predicates and objects). + Added SPARQL support for DISTINCT and ORDER BY. * Moved model-specific code into RDF::Query::Model::*. * Moving over to redland's query API (pass in the model when query is executed). COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2005 Gregory Williams. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. AUTHOR Gregory Williams $Id: README,v 1.3 2005/04/25 02:20:48 greg Exp $