REFERENCE ROSETTA ENGINE IMPLEMENTATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- by Darren Duncan CONTENTS * Preface * Keeping Up To Date * Dependencies * Support * Credits * Copyright And License PREFACE This distribution features the Perl 5 module named "Rosetta::Engine::Generic"; see the file lib/Rosetta/Engine/ for the main documentation, which is in POD format. The distribution also includes a ChangeLog file to say what changes already happened, and a TODO file to say what changes have yet to happen. The file INSTALL should help with installation issues. Read below for how to get support or keep up to date, know this distribution's dependencies, or read the credits or copyright and license. This distribution requires a live database to be tested against. To gain the best understanding of whether Rosetta::Engine::Generic will work with your preferred database engine and/or working environment, you should edit this distribution's test configuration file "" prior to running 'make test' and/or 'perl Makefile.PL'. The setup details that you input should match a visible database engine that you have full privileges on, including the ability to create schema objects, and select or modify data. If you do not edit "", such as when you are a fully-automatic CPAN tester, then the test suite will use the newest SQLite v3 database engine by default, and the executed tests will only be as thorough as the SQLite v3 feature set supports. KEEPING UP TO DATE My module set is constantly under development. You should be able to find the newest versions at my website, "", on the page called "Perl Libraries I Made" (name subject to change). They can also be found on CPAN under the author name of "DUNCAND". I am inclined to update the copies on my web site more often, but those intermediate versions are more likely to have been tested less, and the modules may be updated day by day without increasing the version numbers. However, the copies on CPAN are guaranteed to have unique version numbers when the module has changed. DEPENDENCIES Perl Version: 5.008001 Core Modules: Test::More 0.47 (but only for the test suite) Non-Core Modules: Rosetta 0.43 SQL::Routine::SQLBuilder 0.17 DBI 1.48 DBD::SQLite 1.08 (default database engine used by the test suite) various DBI Driver (DBD) modules SUPPORT Currently I don't have any support arranged with other people, lists, newsgroups, or otherwise. Feel free to ask me if you can't figure things out on your own, or another person whom you know has used this. I may start a mailing list for support issues later, so that users of my modules can help each other with them. CREDITS None besides myself so far. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This file is part of the Rosetta::Engine::Generic feature reference implementation of the Rosetta database portability library. Rosetta::Engine::Generic is Copyright (c) 1999-2005, Darren R. Duncan. All rights reserved. Address comments, suggestions, and bug reports to B, or visit "" for more information. Rosetta::Engine::Generic is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation ( You should have received a copy of the GPL as part of the Rosetta::Engine::Generic distribution, in the file named "LICENSE"; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. Linking Rosetta::Engine::Generic statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on Rosetta::Engine::Generic. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GPL cover the whole combination. As a special exception, the copyright holders of Rosetta::Engine::Generic give you permission to link Rosetta::Engine::Generic with independent modules, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting combined work under terms of your choice, provided that every copy of the combined work is accompanied by a complete copy of the source code of Rosetta::Engine::Generic (the version of Rosetta::Engine::Generic used to produce the combined work), being distributed under the terms of the GPL plus this exception. An independent module is a module which is not derived from or based on Rosetta::Engine::Generic, and which is fully useable when not linked to Rosetta::Engine::Generic in any form. Any versions of Rosetta::Engine::Generic that you modify and distribute must carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any changes, in addition to preserving this original copyright notice and other credits. Rosetta::Engine::Generic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. While it is by no means required, the copyright holders of Rosetta::Engine::Generic would appreciate being informed any time you create a modified version of Rosetta::Engine::Generic that you are willing to distribute, because that is a practical way of suggesting improvements to the standard version. FIN Share and Enjoy!