NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuthPlus - Basic HTTP Auth Helper Plus VERSION Version 0.08 SYNOPSIS # Mojolicious::Lite plugin 'basic_auth_plus'; get '/' => sub { my $self = shift; $self->render(text => 'ok') if $self->basic_auth( "Realm Name" => { username => 'username', password => 'password' } ); }; # Mojolicious $self->plugin('BasicAuthPlus'); sub index { my $self = shift; $self->render(text => 'ok') if $self->basic_auth( "My Realm" => { path => '/path/to/some/passwd/file.txt' } ); } DESCRIPTION Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuthPlus is a helper for basic HTTP authentication that supports multiple authentication schemes, including a callback, explicit username and password (plaintext or encrypted) without a callback, a passwd file, LDAP, and Active Directory. METHODS Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuthPlus inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Plugin and implements the following new ones. "register" $plugin->register; Register condition in Mojolicious application. "basic_auth" Configure specific auth method (see CONFIGURATION). Returns a two-element list, where the first element is a hash reference and the second is an integer (1 for success, 0 for failure). In the future, the hash reference may contain additional values, but for now it contains just one key/value pair for the username used to authenticate. You can ignore this; thus, for example, both of the following are valid: my ($hash_ref, $auth_ok) = $self->basic_auth( "My Realm" => { username => 'zapp', password => 'brannigan' } ); if ($auth_ok) { $self->app->log->info("Auth success for $hash_ref->{username}"); render(text => 'ok'); } $self->render(text => 'ok') if ($self->basic_auth( "My Realm" => { username => 'zapp', password => 'brannigan' } ); CONFIGURATION The basic_auth method takes an HTTP Basic Auth realm name that is either a code ref for a subroutine that will do the authentication check, or a hash, where the realm is the hash name. When the realm represents a named hash, the key/value pairs specify the source of user credentials and determine the method used for authentication (e.g., passwd file, LDAP, Active Directory). Realm names may contain whitespace. If a username and password are defined, then other options pertaining to a passwd file or LDAP/ActiveDirectory authentication will be ignored, because it it assumed you intend to compare the defined username and password against those supplied by the user. The following options may be set in the hash: username Specify the username to match. password Specify the password to match. The string may be plaintext or use any of the formats noted in Authen::Simple::Password. path The location of a password file holding user credentials. Per Authen::Simple::Passwd, "Any standard passwd file that has records seperated with newline and fields seperated by ":" is supported. First field is expected to be username and second field, plain or encrypted password. Required." host The hostname or IP address of an LDAP or Active Directory server. basedn The base DN to use with LDAP or Active Directory. binddn The bind DN to use when doing an authenticated bind against LDAP or Active Directory. bindpw The password to use when doing an authenticated bind to LDAP or Active Directory. filter The LDAP/ActiveDirectory filter to use when searching a directory. EXAMPLES # With callback get '/' => sub { my $self = shift; return $self->render(text => 'ok') if $self->basic_auth( realm => sub { return 1 if "@_" eq 'username password' } ); }; # With callback and getting username from return hash ref. get '/' => sub { my $self = shift; my ($href, $auth_ok) = $self->basic_auth( realm => sub { return 1 if "@_" eq 'username password' } ); if ($auth_ok) { return $self->render( status => 200, text => 'ok', msg => "Welcome $href->{username}" ); } else { return $self->render( status => 401, text => 'unauthorized', msg => "Sorry $href->{username}" ); } }; # With encrypted password get '/' => sub { my $self = shift; $self->render(text => 'ok') if $self->basic_auth( "Realm Name" => { username => 'username', password => 'MlQ8OC3xHPIi.' } ); }; # Passwd file authentication get '/' => sub { my $self = shift; $self->render(text => 'ok') if $self->basic_auth( "Realm Name" => { path => '/path/to/passwd/file.txt' } ); }; # LDAP authentication (with anonymous bind) get '/' => sub { my $self = shift; $self->render(text => 'ok') if $self->basic_auth( "Realm Name" => { host => '', basedn => 'ou=People,dc=company,dc=com' } ); }; # Active Directory authentication (with authenticated bind) get '/' => sub { my $self = shift; $self->render(text => 'ok') if $self->basic_auth( "Realm Name" => { host => '', basedn => 'dc=company,dc=com', binddn => 'ou=People,dc=company,dc=com', bindpw => 'secret', filter => '(&(objectClass=organizationalPerson)(userPrincipalName=%s))' } ); }; BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-mojolicious-plugin-basicauthplus at", or through the web interface at . I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuthPlus You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings item * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Based on Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuth, by Glen Hinkle . AUTHOR Brad Robertson CONTRIBUTORS In alphabetical order: G.Y. Park Jay Mortensen SEE ALSO Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides, , Authen::Simple::Password, Authen::Simple::LDAP, Authen::Simple::Passwd COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2013-2015 by Brad Robertson. LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.