# NAME Git::Code::Review - Tools for performing code review using Git as the backend # VERSION version 0.8 # SYNOPSIS This module installs a new command to allow you to perform a tracked code review using a git repository as the storage and communication medium for the audit. This is intended to be used as a __post-commit__ code review tool. # INSTALL Recommended install with [CPAN Minus](http://cpanmin.us): cpanm Git::Code::Review You can also use CPAN: cpan Git::Code::Review This will take care of ensuring all the dependencies are satisfied and will install the scripts into the same directory as your Perl executable. ## USAGE The utility ships with documentation. git-code-review help And each command has a basic overview of it's own options and uses. git-code-review help init git-code-review help select git-code-review help profile git-code-review help list git-code-review help pick git-code-review help comment git-code-review help fixed ## SEE ALSO perldoc Git::Code::Review::Tutorial # AUTHOR Brad Lhotsky # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Brad Lhotsky. This is free software, licensed under: The (three-clause) BSD License