# NAME App::ElasticSearch::Utilities - Utilities for Monitoring ElasticSearch # VERSION version 3.8 # SYNOPSIS This library contains utilities for unified interfaces in the scripts. This a set of utilities to make monitoring ElasticSearch clusters much simpler. Included are: __SEARCHING__: scripts/es-search.pl - Utility to interact with LogStash style indices from the CLI __MONITORING__: scripts/es-nagios-check.pl - Monitor ES remotely or via NRPE with this script scripts/es-graphite-dynamic.pl - Perform index maintenance on daily indexes scripts/es-status.pl - Command line utility for ES Metrics scripts/es-storage-data.pl - View how shards/data is aligned on your cluster scripts/es-nodes.pl - View node information __MAINTENANCE__: scripts/es-daily-index-maintenance.pl - Perform index maintenance on daily indexes scripts/es-alias-manager.pl - Manage index aliases automatically scripts/es-open.pl - Open any closed indices matching a index parameters __MANAGEMENT__: scripts/es-copy-index.pl - Copy an index from one cluster to another scripts/es-apply-settings.pl - Apply settings to all indexes matching a pattern scripts/es-storage-data.pl - View how shards/data is aligned on your cluster __DEPRECATED__: scripts/es-graphite-static.pl - Send ES Metrics to Graphite or Cacti The App::ElasticSearch::Utilities module simply serves as a wrapper around the scripts for packaging and distribution. # FUNCTIONS ## es\_pattern Returns a hashref of the pattern filter used to get the indexes { string => '\*', re => '.\*', } ## es\_connect Without options, this connects to the server defined in the args. If passed an array ref, it will use that as the connection definition. ## es\_request(\[$handle\],$command,{ method => 'GET', parameters => { a => 1 } }, {}) Retrieve URL from ElasticSearch, returns a hash reference First hash ref contains options, including: uri_param Query String Parameters index Index name type Index type method Default is GET ## es\_nodes Returns the hash of index meta data. ## es\_indices\_meta Returns the hash of index meta data. ## es\_indices Returns a list of active indexes matching the filter criteria specified on the command line. Can handle indices named: logstash-YYYY.MM.DD dcid-logstash-YYYY.MM.DD logstash-dcid-YYYY.MM.DD logstash-YYYY.MM.DD-dcid Makes use of --datesep to determine where the date is. Options include: - __state__ Default is 'open', can be used to find 'closed' indexes as well. - __check\_state__ Default is 1, set to 0 to disable state checks. The combination of the default with this option and the default for __state__ means only open indices are returned. - __check\_dates__ Default is 1, set to 0 to disable checking index age. ## es\_index\_strip\_date( 'index-name' ) Returns the index name with the date removed. ## es\_index\_days\_old( 'index-name' ) Return the number of days old this index is. ## es\_index\_shard\_replicas( 'index-name' ) Returns the number of replicas for a given index. ## es\_index\_valid( 'index-name' ) Checks if the specified index is valid ## es\_index\_fields('index-name') Returns a list of the fields in a given index. ## es\_close\_index('index-name') Closes an index ## es\_open\_index('index-name') Open an index ## es\_delete\_index('index-name') Deletes an index ## es\_optimize\_index('index-name') Optimize an index to a single segment per shard ## es\_index\_segments( 'index-name' ) Exposes GET /$index/\_segments Returns the segment data from the index in hashref: ## es\_segment\_stats($index) Return the number of shards and segments in an index as a hashref ## es\_index\_stats( 'index-name' ) Exposes GET /$index/\_stats Returns a hashref ## es\_settings() Exposes GET /\_settings Returns a hashref ## es\_node\_stats() Exposes GET /\_nodes/stats Returns a hashref ## def('key') Exposes Definitions grabbed by options parsing # ARGS From App::ElasticSearch::Utilities: --local Use localhost as the elasticsearch host --host ElasticSearch host to connect to --port HTTP port for your cluster --noop Any operations other than GET are disabled --timeout Timeout to ElasticSearch, default 30 --keep-proxy Do not remove any proxy settings from %ENV --index Index to run commands against --base For daily indexes, reference only those starting with "logstash" (same as --pattern logstash-* or logstash-DATE) --datesep Date separator, default '.' also (--date-separator) --pattern Use a pattern to operate on the indexes --days If using a pattern or base, how many days back to go, default: all ## ARGUMENT GLOBALS Some options may be specified in the __/etc/es-utils.yaml__ or __$HOME/.es-utils.yaml__ file: --- host: esproxy.example.com port: 80 timeout: 10 # INSTALL __This library attempts to provide scripts compatible with version 0.19 through 1.1 of ElasticSearch__. Recommended install with [CPAN Minus](http://cpanmin.us): cpanm App::ElasticSearch::Utilities You can also use CPAN: cpan App::ElasticSearch::Utilities Or if you'd prefer to manually install: export RELEASE= wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/reyjrar/es-utils/blob/master/releases/App-ElasticSearch-Utilities-$RELEASE.tar.gz?raw=true -O es-utils.tgz tar -zxvf es-utils.tgz cd App-ElasticSearch-Utilities-$RELEASE perl Makefile.PL make make install This will take care of ensuring all the dependencies are satisfied and will install the scripts into the same directory as your Perl executable. ## USAGE The tools are all wrapped in their own documentation, please see: $UTILITY --help $UTILITY --manual For individual options and capabilities ## PATTERNS Patterns are used to match an index to the aliases it should have. A few symbols are expanded into regular expressions. Those patterns are: * expands to match any number of any characters. DATE expands to match YYYY.MM.DD, YYYY-MM-DD, or YYYYMMDD ANY expands to match any number of any characters. ## CONTRIBUTORS Mihai Oprea Samit Badle # AUTHOR Brad Lhotsky # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Brad Lhotsky. This is free software, licensed under: The (three-clause) BSD License