# NAME App::ElasticSearch::Utilities - Utilities for Monitoring ElasticSearch # VERSION version 1.004 # SYNOPSIS This library contains utilities for unified interfaces in the scripts. This a set of utilities to make monitoring ElasticSearch clusters much simpler. Included is: scripts/es-status.pl - Command line utility for ES Metrics scripts/es-metrics-to-graphite.pl - Send ES Metrics to Graphite or Cacti scripts/es-nagios-check.pl - Monitor ES remotely or via NRPE with this script scripts/es-daily-index-maintenance.pl - Perform index maintenance on daily indexes scripts/es-copy-index.pl - Copy an index from one cluster to another scripts/es-alias-manager.pl - Manage index aliases automatically The App::ElasticSearch::Utilities module simply serves as a wrapper around the scripts for packaging and distribution. # INSTALL Recommended install with [CPAN Minus](http://cpanmin.us): cpanm App::ElasticSearch::Utilities You can also use CPAN: cpan App::ElasticSearch::Utilities Or if you'd prefer to manually install: export RELEASE= wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/reyjrar/es-utils/blob/master/releases/App-ElasticSearch-Utilities-$RELEASE.tar.gz?raw=true -O es-utils.tgz tar -zxvf es-utils.tgz cd App-ElasticSearch-Utilities-$RELEASE perl Makefile.PL make make install This will take care of ensuring all the dependencies are satisfied and will install the scripts into the same directory as your Perl executable. ## USAGE The tools are all wrapped in their own documentation, please see: es-status.pl --help es-metric-to-graphite.pl --help es-nagios-check.pl --help es-daily-index-maintenance.pl --help es-copy-index.pl --help es-alias-manager.pl --help For individual options and capabilities # AUTHOR Brad Lhotsky # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Brad Lhotsky. This is free software, licensed under: The (three-clause) BSD License