NAME CPAN::Perl::Releases - Mapping Perl releases on CPAN to the location of the tarballs VERSION version 0.02 SYNOPSIS use CPAN::Perl::Releases qw[perl_tarballs]; my $perl = '5.14.0'; my $hashref = perl_tarballs( $perl ); print "Location: ", $_, "\n" for values %{ $hashref }; DESCRIPTION CPAN::Perl::Releases is a module that contains the mappings of all "perl" releases that have been uploaded to CPAN to the "authors/id/" path that the tarballs reside in. This is static data, but newer versions of this module will be made available as new releases of "perl" are uploaded to CPAN, or until a mechanism to programmatically determine the relevant data is decided upon, at which point this module will be refactored to obtain the data via that mechanism. RANT Strangely, there is not a mechanism to be able determine programmatically the exact CPAN path of a "perl" tarball. Okay, I lied, there are two. Kinda. When I was trying to find a way whilst writing smokebrew, I looked at how perlbrew did it. perlbrew uses what I will call the "" method. It queries using HTTP a "perl" distribution link and then uses regex to "parse" the link to the tarball from the returned HTML. I did not like the idea of this. It sounds flawed to my mind. Reliant on the HTML not changing in strange ways and on Internet access as well. ( This is not a dig at either perlbrew or "" incidently, just at the fact that somebody has to resort to this kind of mechanism ). The other way that I found was that symlinks were maintained in the "src/5.0/" directory of CPAN that provided all the versions of "perl" uploaded to CPAN. These were constructed by a script run on the master CPAN site. One could just request the relevant tarball from this directory and get the right tarball. This worked great until the master CPAN site was migrated and the script was not. And now to this module. FUNCTIONS "perl_tarballs" Takes one parameter, a "perl" version to search for. Returns an hashref on success or "undef" otherwise. The returned hashref will have a key/value for each type of tarball. A key of "tar.gz" indicates the location of a gzipped tar file and "tar.bz2" of a bzip2'd tar file. The values will be the relative path under "authors/id/" on CPAN where the indicated tarball will be located. perl_tarballs( '5.14.0' ); Returns a hashref like: { "tar.bz2" => "J/JE/JESSE/perl-5.14.0.tar.bz2", "tar.gz" => "J/JE/JESSE/perl-5.14.0.tar.gz" } Not all "perl" releases had "tar.bz2", but only a "tar.gz". AUTHOR Chris Williams COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Chris Williams. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.