NAME Acme::CPANAuthors::ToBeLike - BeLike other CPAN Authors VERSION version 0.06 SYNOPSIS use Acme::CPANAuthors; my $authors = Acme::CPANAuthors->new('ToBeLike'); my $number = $authors->count; my @ids = $authors->id; my @distros = $authors->distributions("BINGOS"); my $url = $authors->avatar_url("BINGOS"); my $kwalitee = $authors->kwalitee("BINGOS"); my $name = $authors->name("BINGOS"); DESCRIPTION This class provides a hash of emulatable CPAN Authors' PAUSE ID and name to the Acme::CPANAuthors module. It is currently statically generated information, I hope to make it dynamic in the future. CONTAINED AUTHORS ALEXBIO => q[Alessandro Ghedini], AVAR => q[AEvar Arnfjord Bjarmason], BINGOS => q[Chris Williams], BLUEFEET => q[Aran Clary Deltac], CEBJYRE => q[Glenn Fowler], CSJEWELL => q[Curtis Jewell], DOY => q[Jesse Luehrs], FLORA => q[Florian Ragwitz], JJNAPIORK => q[John Napiorkowski], JONASBN => q[jonasbn], LESPEA => q[Adam Lesperance], MARCEL => q[Marcel Gruenauer], MELO => q[Pedro Melo], RJBS => q[Ricardo SIGNES], SHARYANTO => q[Steven Haryanto], YANICK => q[Yanick Champoux], SEE ALSO Acme::CPANAuthors Task AUTHOR Chris Williams COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Chris Williams. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.