User Contributed Documentation CPAN::Testers::WWW::Reports::Query::AJAX(3) NAME CPAN::Testers::WWW::Reports::Query::AJAX - Get specific CPAN Testers results SYNOPSIS my $query = CPAN::Testers::WWW::Reports::Query::AJAX->new( distribution => 'App-Maisha', version => '0.12', # optional, will default to latest version ); # basic results printf "ALL: %d\n" . "PASS: %d\n" . "FAIL: %d\n" . "NA: %d\n" . "UNKNOWN: %d\n" . "%age PASS: %d\n" . "%age FAIL: %d\n" . "%age NA: %d\n" . "%age UNKNOWN: %d\n", $query->all, $query->pass, $query->fail, $query->na, $query->unknown, $query->pc_pass, $query->pc_fail, $query->pc_na, $query->pc_unknown; # get the raw data for all results, or a specific version if supplied my $data = $query->raw; # basic filters (see new() for details) my $query = CPAN::Testers::WWW::Reports::Query::AJAX->new( distribution => 'App-Maisha', version => '0.12', osname => 'Win32', patches => 1, perlmat => 1, perlver => '5.10.0', format => 'xml' # xml is default, text also supported ); printf "Win32 PASS: %d\n", $query->pass; DESCRIPTION This module queries the CPAN Testers website (via the AJAX interface) and retrieves a simple data set of results. It then parses these to answer a few simple questions. INTERFACE The Constructor · new Instatiates the object CPAN::WWW::Testers. Requires a hash of parameters, with 'config' being the only mandatory key. Note that 'config' can be anything that Config::IniFiles accepts for the -file option. Counter Methods · all For the given query, the total number of reports stored. · pass For the given query, the total number of PASS reports stored. · fail For the given query, the total number of FAIL reports stored. · na For the given query, the total number of NA reports stored. · unknown For the given query, the total number of UNKNOWN reports stored. · pc_pass For the given query, the percentage number of PASS reports stored against all reports stored. · pc_fail For the given query, the percentage number of FAIL reports stored against all reports stored. · pc_na For the given query, the percentage number of NA reports stored against all reports stored. · pc_unknown For the given query, the percentage number of UNKNOWN reports stored against all reports stored. Data Methods · data Returns the basic data structure as a hash reference. If a version is passed as a parameter, the data only for that version is returned. Otherwise all the results are returned, with the version as the top level key of the hash. · raw Returns the raw content returned from the server. BUGS, PATCHES & FIXES There are no known bugs at the time of this release. However, if you spot a bug or are experiencing difficulties, that is not explained within the POD documentation, please send bug reports and patches to the RT Queue (see below). Fixes are dependent upon their severity and my availability. Should a fix not be forthcoming, please feel free to (politely) remind me. RT Queue - SEE ALSO CPAN::Testers::Data::Generator, CPAN::Testers::WWW::Reports,, I would also like to thank Leo Lapworth from prompting me to write this, sorry its taken so long to release. However, you may be interested in his alternative query distribution CPAN::Testers::Reports::Query::JSON. Initially released during the 2012 QA Hackathon in Paris. AUTHOR Barbie, for Miss Barbell Productions . COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Barbie for Miss Barbell Productions. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.10.1 2CPAN::Testers::WWW::Reports::Query::AJAX(3)