1 Verilog Perl ************** This is the Verilog Perl Package. 1.1 Copyright ============= This package is Copyright 2000-2006 by Wilson Snyder . This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Perl Artistic License. This code is provided with no warranty of any kind, and is used entirely at your own risk. 1.2 Description =============== This package provides functions to support writing utilities that use the Verilog language. See `man Verilog::Language' and `man vrename' after installation. Included is `vrename', a program for renaming signals, modules, and parameters across many verilog files at once. `vppp' is a Verilog preprocessor. Low level classes allow preprocessing inside of Perl or C++ programs as a standard stream. `vhier' will report hiearchy information, such as all files in a design. Also included is `vpm' to convert macros that look like pli calls, such as $info, into different Verilog code. This enables programs like Verilint and Synopsys dc_shell to ignore the macros (as they ignore pli calls), but have the simulator do something special with them. For example: $uinfo (0, "Welcome to a VPMed file\n"); becomes ... $write ("[%0t] -I:example.v:0012: Welcome to a VPMed file\n",$time); ... where the filename and line number of the message have been added along with the timestamp. 1.3 Complete Parsing ==================== The lower level parsing routines do not keep behavioral statements, or bit connectivity within busses. If you're looking for a front end that keeps all information, you may want to consider using the C++ front end that is part of Verilator. See `http://www.veripool.com/verilator.html'. 1.4 Obtaining Distribution ========================== The latest version is available at `http://www.perl.org/CPAN/' Download the latest package from that site, and decompress. `gunzip Verilog-Perl_version.tar.gz ; tar xvf Verilog-Perl_version.tar' 1.5 Supported Systems ===================== This version of Verilog has been built and tested on: * sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1 * i386-linux * i686-w2k-cygwin It should run on any system with Perl, G++ and Flex. 1.6 Installation ================ 1. `cd' to the directory containing this README notice. 2. Type `perl Makefile.PL' to configure Verilog for your system. 3. Type `make' to compile Verilog. Some Solaris users have had trouble with "open" being redefined. If this happens, try editing the Makefile to change _FILE_OFFSET_BITS to 32 instead of 64. 4. Type `make test' to check the package. If you don't have Synopsys' VCS, the test will print a warning, which you can ignore. 5. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and documentation. 6. Look at `t/60_vpm.t' to see how to use `vpm' in your build methodology.