NAME Scalar::Does - like ref() but useful SYNOPSIS my $object = bless {}, 'Some::Class'; does($object, 'Some::Class'); # true does($object, '%{}'); # true does($object, 'HASH'); # true does($object, 'ARRAY'); # false DESCRIPTION It has long been noted that Perl would benefit from a "does()" built-in. A check that "ref($thing) eq 'ARRAY'" doesn't allow you to accept an object that uses overloading to provide an array-like interface. Functions "does($scalar, $role)" Checks if a scalar is capable of performing the given role. The following (case-sensitive) roles are predefined: * SCALAR or ${} Checks if the scalar can be used as a scalar reference. * ARRAY or @{} Checks if the scalar can be used as an array reference. * HASH or %{} Checks if the scalar can be used as a hash reference. * CODE or &{} Checks if the scalar can be used as a code reference. * GLOB or *{} Checks if the scalar can be used as a glob reference. * REF Checks if the scalar can be used as a ref reference (i.e. a reference to another reference). * LVALUE Checks if the scalar is a reference to a special lvalue (e.g. the result of "substr" or "splice"). * IO or <> Uses IO::Detect to check if the scalar is a filehandle or file-handle-like object. (The "<>" check is slightly looser, allowing objects which overload "<>", though overloading "<>" well can be a little tricky.) * VSTRING Checks if the scalar is a vstring reference. * FORMAT Checks if the scalar is a format reference. * Regexp or qr Checks if the scalar can be used as a quoted regular expression. * bool Checks if the scalar can be used as a boolean. (It's pretty rare for this to not be true.) * "" Checks if the scalar can be used as a string. (It's pretty rare for this to not be true.) * 0+ Checks if the scalar can be used as a number. (It's pretty rare for this to not be true.) * ~~ Checks if the scalar can be used on the right hand side of a smart match. For roles not on the predefined list above, the following behaviour is followed: 1. If the given scalar is blessed, then "$scalar->DOES($role)" is called, and if that returns true, then "does" returns true. 2. If the given *role* is blessed, and provides a "check" method, then "does" delegates to that. This allows MooseX::Types types to be used as roles. (But not Moose's type constraint strings.) "overloads($scalar, $role)" A function "overloads" (which just checks overloading) is also available. "blessed($scalar)", "reftype($scalar)" For convenience, this module can also re-export these functions from Scalar::Util. Export By default, only "does" is exported. This module uses Sub::Exporter, so functions can be renamed: use Scalar::Does does => { -as => 'performs_role' }; Scalar::Does also plays some tricks with namespace::clean to ensure that any functions it exports to your namespace are cleaned up when you're finished with them. This ensures that if you're writing object-oriented code "does" and "overloads" will not be left hanging around as methods of your classes. Moose::Object provides a "does" method, and you should be able to use Scalar::Does without interfering with that. Custom Role Checks use Scalar::Does custom => { -as => 'does_array', -role => 'ARRAY' }, custom => { -as => 'does_hash', -role => 'HASH' }; does_array($thing); does_hash($thing); BUGS Please report any bugs to . SEE ALSO Scalar::Util, Moose::Role, MooseX::Types. . AUTHOR Toby Inkster . COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Toby Inkster. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.