[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tbrowder/RakuAdvent-WordPress.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tbrowder/RakuAdvent-WordPress) # RakuAdvent::WordPress This module provides a Raku tool (*make-wp-input*) to aid Raku Advent authors in preparing their article source for conversion to a format compatible with the html and css used by WordPress (WP). ## Installation ```raku zef install RakuAdvent::WordPress; ``` ## Documentation ```raku zef install p6doc p6doc RakuAdvent::WordPress; ``` ## Example uses Basic usage: ```raku $ make-wp-input -eg > advent.html Usage: make-wp-input [-x][-c][-eg][-debug][-help] ``` Long help: ```raku $ make-wp-input -help Usage: make-wp-input [-x][-c][-eg][-debug][-help] Converts html source in the input file to WordPress html in the output file 'wordpress.html'. Use the '-x' option to extract headings from the input file for QC. Use the '-eg' option to write the example file to STDOUT. Use the '-c' option to convert to markdown. [NOT YET IMPLEMENTED] ``` See the example html source file included with the module: ```raku $ make-wp-input -eg > advent.html ``` Create a raw html source file and format it for input to WordPress (with automatic error checking): ```raku $ make-wp-input advent.html Normal end. See output files: 'wordpress.html' '.wordpress.html.tmp.no-inserted-code' ``` Note the file 'wordpress.html' is the one that contains your source converted for use as your WordPress article. It includes any code you have inserted into it. The second file, the hidden file '.wordpress.html.tmp.no-inserted-code', is for use during the conversion to markdown (which is not yet implemented) but it hasn't had the code insertions completed. That is because the insertions into a markdown file will require slightly different handling. Sometimes in a tangle of html in a long article it's easy to lose track of the sequence and size of headings, so we have a check for that: ```raku $ make-wp-input advent.html -x



Article creation





``` Note the source html must meet some simple rules to ensure success with the current state of *make-wp-input*: 1. The following opening tags should be the only characters on their respective lines: - \