# Proc::More [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tbrowder/Proc-More-Perl6.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tbrowder/Proc-More-Perl6) ### Note: This module replaces module `Linux::Proc::Time` which is deprecated. This module provides functions using Perl 6's **Proc** class. Two of the most noteworthy ones are: + `run-command` + `time-command` This module uses the GNU **time** command (usually installed as '/usr/bin/time') to time user commands. ### WARNING: These functions have been tested only on Linux systems (but the author plans to port them to other OSs). ## Synopsis use Proc::More :run-command; my $cmd = "some-user-prog arg1 arg2"; my $other-dir = $*TMPDIR"; my ($exitcode, $stderr, $stdout) = run-command $cmd, :dir($other-dir), :all; use Proc::More :time-command; my $cmd = "some-user-prog arg1 arg2"; my $user-time = time-command $cmd; say $user-time; # output: 42.70 # seconds ## Getting the **time** command On Debian hosts the **time** command may not installed by default but it is available in package 'time'. It can also be built from source available at the Free Software Foundation's git site. Clone the source repository: $ git clone https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/time.git The build and install instructions are in the repository along with the source code. Unfortunately, there is no equivalent command available for Windows unless you install Cygwin or an equivalent system. ## The **time** command The details for running **time** are described in **time**'s man page which can be viewed by running 'man 1 time' at the command line. This module will look for time in the following locations and order: - the location defined by the LINUX_PROC_TIME environment variable - /usr/local/bin/time - /usr/bin/time If the **time** command is not found, an exception will be thrown. Likewise, if the **time** command returns an exit code other than zero, an exception will be thrown. # The Proc::More module The routines are described in detail in [ALL-SUBS](https://github.com/tbrowder/Linux-Proc-Time-Perl6/blob/master/docs/ALL-SUBS.md) which shows a short description of each exported routine along along with its complete signature. ## The :$typ and :$fmt named parameters The two named parameters control the type and format of the output from the time-command. (Note there is a fourth format which is used if the **:$fmt** variable is not used or defined. In that case only the raw time in seconds is shown without any other formatting.) The allowed values and a short description are described in the source code and are repeated here: ```Perl6 my token typ { ^ :i # the desired time(s) to return: a|all| # show all three times: # "Real: [time in desired format]; User: [ditto]; Sys: [ditto]" r|real| # show only the real (wall clock) time u|user| # show only the user time (default) s|sys # show only the system time $ } my token fmt { ^ :i # the desired format for the returned time(s) s|seconds| # time in seconds with an appended 's': "30.42s" h|hms| # time in hms format: "0h00m30.42s" ':'|'h:m:s' # time in h:m:s format: "0:00:30.42" $ } ``` ## Status This version is 0.\*.\* which is considered usable but may not be ready for production. The APIs are subject to change in which case the version major number will be updated. Note that newly added subroutines or application programs are not considered a change in API. ## Debugging For debugging, use one of the following methods: - set the module's $DEBUG variable: ```Perl6 $Proc::More::DEBUG = True; ``` - set the environment variable: ```Perl6 PROC_MORE_DEBUG=1 ``` ## Contributing Interested users are encouraged to contribute improvements and corrections to this module, and pull requests, bug reports, and suggestions are always welcome. ## LICENSE and COPYRIGHT Artistic 2.0. See [LICENSE](https://github.com/tbrowder/Proc-More-Perl6/blob/master/LICENSE). Copyright (C) 2017 Thomas M. Browder, Jr. <>