[![Actions Status](https://github.com/tbrowder/Math-Trig/workflows/test/badge.svg)](https://github.com/tbrowder/Math-Trig/actions) Math::Trig ========== Provides subroutines for coverting between degrees, radians, and gradians; converting between different coordinate systems (cartesian, spherical, cylindrical); and great circle formulas. Also provides versions of the common trigonemetric functions that take or return their arguments in degrees: sind cosd tand asind acosd atand atan2d SYNOPSIS -------- use Math::Trig; # no trigonometric functions exported use Math::Trig :ALL; # includes the trig functions INSTALLATION ------------ zef install Math::Trig BUGS ---- * This is a work in progress. Caveat emptor. AUTHORS ------- * Tom Browder (tbrowder@cpan.org) [from 2020-02-14] * Original author: the late Jonathan Scott Duff <@perlpilot>, RIP LICENSE ------- Artistic 2.0. See that license [here](./LICENSE). COPYRIGHT --------- This software is Copyright (c) 2021 by Tom Browder. This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by Jonathan Scott Duff. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ---------------- Jonathan Duff's words: "This module is shamelessly based on the [Perl 5 module](https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::Trig) of the same name. Without the authors and maintainers of *that* module, this module wouldn't exist in this form."