# META6::To::Man [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tbrowder/META6-To-Man-Perl6.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tbrowder/META6-To-Man-Perl6) Produces a rudimentary UNIX man page from a Perl 6 META6.json (or META.json) file # SYNOPSIS ```perl6 $ meta6-to-man --meta6=./META6.json ``` The output file should be a UNIX roff file named '\.1' where '\' is the 'name' key value in the META6.json file. # USAGE ```perl6 $ meta6-to-man Usage: ./bin/meta6-to-man --meta6=M [options...] Produces a UNIX 'man' page from data in the Perl 6 META6 file 'M'. The output is written to file 'F.1' where 'F' is the name from the META6 file (which can be changed with the '--man' option below). Mandatory argument: --meta6=M Defines the desired META6.json file to be used. 'M' must be a valid META6 file. Options: --install Installs the output file to one of the standard man directories. The directory actually chosen is the first one found with write privileges for the user. The directories are searched in this order: /usr/share/man/manN /usr/local/share/man/manN /usr/local/man/manN --install-to=D Installs the output file to directory D. --date=YYYY-MM-DD The default is the current date. --man=F Defines the man roff file 'F'. It is an error if the file name does not end in '.N' where 'N' is a digit in the range '1..8'. --quiet Silences all messages. Normally for developer use. --debug Normally for developer use. ``` The output troff file from running: ``` perl6 -Ilib ./bin/meta6-to-man --meta6=./META6.json --install-to=./doc ``` in the top-level directory in this repository can be found [here](./doc/META6::To::Man.1). # MISCELLANEOUS View a local man page on a POSIX system (e.g., the one you just generated): ```perl6 man -l . ``` Example (note 'l' is the lower-case letter 'ell'): ```perl6 man -l My::Module.1 ``` Man page numbers most likely for Perl 6 modules (from man-pages(7) : + 1 Commands (Programs) Those commands that can be executed by the user from within a shell. + 3 Library calls Most of the libc functions. # REFERENCES 1. On a POSIX system: + man(7) + man-pages(7) 2. Writing man pages: https://liw.fi/manpages # LICENSE Artistic-2.0 # COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2017 Thomas M. Browder, Jr. <> (IRC #perl6: tbrowder)