[![Actions Status](https://github.com/tbrowder/File-Copy/workflows/test/badge.svg)](https://github.com/tbrowder/File-Copy/actions) **copy** copies files and directories from one location to another. If the `$from` location is a directory, all files and directories **below** `$from` will be copied to the `$to` location. A fatal error will be thrown if `$from` is a directory and `$to` is a file. Errors will also be thrown if the permissions in either location are not appropriate for the selected operation. Existing files **will** be overwritten unless the `:createonly` option is selected. ### multi sub copy ```perl6 multi sub copy( IO::Path $from where { ... }, IO::Path $to where { ... }, :$createonly ) returns Bool::True ``` Copy a file to an existing directory ### multi sub copy ```perl6 multi sub copy( IO::Path $from where { ... }, IO::Path $to where { ... }, :$createonly ) returns Bool::True ``` Copy a directory's files and directories to another directory