NAME Data::Printer::Filter::URI - pretty-printing URI objects VERSION version 0.004 SYNOPSIS # In your program: use Data::Printer filters => { -external => [ 'URI' ], }; # or, in your ".dataprinter" file: { filters => { -external => [ 'URI' ], }, }; # You can also setup color and display details: use Data::Printer { filters => { -external => [ 'URI' ], }, color => { uri_scheme => 'bright_green', uri_host => 'bold', }, }; DESCRIPTION This is a filter plugin for Data::Printer. It filters through several URI manipulation classes and displays the URI as a string. Parsed Protocols * data * file * ftp * gopher * http * https * ldap * ldapi * ldaps * mailto * mms * news * nntp * pop * rlogin * rsync * rtsp * rtspu * sftp * sip * sips * snews * ssh * telnet * tn3270 * urn AUTHOR Stanislaw Pusep COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Stanislaw Pusep. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.