------------ Requirements ------------ This module requires: - Net::FTP The requirements are encoded in Makefile.PL. ------------------ Basic Installation ------------------ Net::SMTP_auth may be installed through the CPAN shell in the usual CPAN shell manner. This typically is: $ perl -MCPAN -e 'install Net::FTP::Recursive::AutoReconnect' You can also read this README from the CPAN shell: $ perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan> readme Net::FTP::Recursive::AutoReconnect And you can install the component from the CPAN prompt as well: cpan> install Net::FTP::Recursive::AutoReconnect ------------------- Manual Installation ------------------- Net::FTP::Recursive::AutoReconnect can also be installed manually. Download the package from cpan. Downloading and unpacking the distribution are left as exercises for the reader. To build and test it: perl Makefile.PL make test When you're ready to install the component: make install It should now be ready to use.