NAME WWW::StreetMap - Interface to SYNOPSIS use WWW::StreetMap; DESCRIPTION Interface to Please respect the terms and conditions of the excellent streetmap website: PUBLIC INTERFACE METHODS new new(url => $url) build_map_jpg build_map_jpg Download the map from streetmap and join it into a single jpeg image. create_oo_doc create_oo_doc($filename, $map_filename) Create an OpenOffice Writer document containg the map. If you do not specify a pre-existing map then $map_filename will default to $filename with the .jpg extension added. INSTALLATION This module uses Module::Build for its installation. To install this module type the following: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build install If you do not have Module::Build type: perl Makefile.PL to fetch it. Or use CPAN or CPANPLUS and fetch it "manually". DEPENDENCIES This module works only with perl v5.6 and higher. I am more than happy to backport to an earlier perl 5.x if someone using an old perl would like to make use of my module. Mail me and ask me to do the work [or even better do it yourself and send in a patch! ;-)] This module requires these other modules and libraries: Test::More Test::More is only required for testing purposes This module has these optional dependencies: Test::Distribution This is just requried for testing purposes. TODO * Construction of URL by user specifying Post Code, London Street etc. BUGS To report a bug or request an enhancement use CPAN's excellent Request Tracker, either via the web: or via email: AUTHOR Sagar R. Shah COPYRIGHT Copyright 2004-5, Sagar R. Shah, All rights reserved This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.