WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::JavaScript and ::DOM, version 0.002 (alpha) Plugins for WWW::Mechanize that provide HTML DOM and Java- Script support. This set of modules is at a very early stage. Only a few features have been implemented so far. Whether it will work for a particular case is hard to say. Try it and see. (And patches are always welcome.) CHANGES IN THIS RELEASE The DOM plugin: • The DOM plugin’s interface has changed. The callback routines passed to it now get a WWW::Mechanize object as their first argument. • Line numbers for inline scripts now work properly. The JavaScript plugin: • You can now set up class bindings before fetching the first page (it used to die). • CSS::DOM is now a prerequisite. • setTimeout and clearTimeout have been added, along with the check_timeouts plugin method. • There is now a ‘screen’ object, but it has no properties. You have to set them yourself with an ‘init’ callback routine. • There is an ‘open’ method which simply moves to the next page, ignoring all arguments except the first. It is just a temporary placeholder. • The navigator object now has an appName property, set to WWW::Mechanize. • Back-ends are now expected to accept a third argument to new_function, indicating the return type (the JE binding supports this of course :-). • JavaScript code referenced in the page itself (as opposed to code passed to the plugin’s eval method) used to be evaluated in the same JS environment for all pages. This has been fixed. JE back end: • JS event handlers for HTML elements now have the form in the scope chain. (This applies to all elements that have a ‘form’ method.) • JS event handlers now have the ‘this’ value set correctly. INSTALLATION The easiest way to install this module is to use the CPAN module or the cpan script: [sudo] perl -MCPAN -e "install WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::JavaScript" [sudo] cpan WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::JavaScript Or you can use the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test [sudo] make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires: - perl 5.8.0 or higher - JE 0.019 or higher - HTML::DOM 0.010 or higher - The experimental version of WWW::Mechanize available at http://www-mechanize.googlecode.com/svn/branches/plugins/ - CSS::DOM DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for these modules with the perldoc command. perldoc WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::JavaScript perldoc WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::DOM Or try using man (it's faster, in my experience): man WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::JavaScript man WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::DOM COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright © 2007 Father Chrysostomos This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl.