November 28, 2002 The Software Hardware Request System (SHRS) (An apache module written in C) Version 0.0 By John D. Atkins What Is It? ----------- SHRS is quality control managemnet tool for tracking the cycle (status) of requests for new features or defects in software/hardware products. As the request moves through the cycle the appropriate parties are notified by email of a change in status. This module is far from complete. It's curretnly offered only as a C coding example. Please, be warned, I'm completely new to the unix-like platforms. I started learning the unix-like platform as of March of 2002. This is also my first web project so I welcome advice. Thanks. You don't need to install this module to get an idea of what it is. The following sample static views of the system are available in the "views" directory of the package: main_menu.htm submit_form_pg1.htm submit_form_pg2.htm submit_form_pg3.htm request_record.htm process_form.htm viewonly_process_form.htm summary_form.htm admin_menu.htm system_menu.htm Submitting a request requires moving through three forms. Because only management may add products, components, and component revisions, the submitter is forced to select these required entry items first. If an item is missing and needs to be added by management, then the submitter will discover this before completing the entire form. The process_form.htm sample shows the view of a newly created record that the user may edit. The viewonly_process_form.htm sample shows the read only view available to a user without sufficient permissions to change edit fields. Whether a control or text is displayed depends on the status of the request and the permissions of the user. Also see the shrs_help.html in the htdocs directory of this package. It contains some additional information, but I'm not finished with it yet either. A Couple Notes Abount The Code ------------------------------ db_shrs.h/c wraps the backend. Recordsets are copied to a two dimentional zero based array that is used in place of the postgresql recordset. See twodim.h/c. shrs.c contains the main case statement that acts on a hidden form input called form_action that is present in every web page. This avoids having to enter a configuration statement in the apache configuration file for each web page. It also allows changing the next form action with jscript. Almost every web page is composed of a table and two forms. The first form containing a table is displayed and the second form is hidden. The second form is used to process a canceled operation, where only the user's session id and the next form action needs to be returned to the server. The Latest Version ------------------ The latest version can be found at cpan. Installation ------------ Installation is performed manually. I used the following packages on OpenBSD and Red Hat: apache_1.3.24.tar.gz postgresql-7.2.1.tar.gz openssl-0.9.6c.tar.gz (Optional) Note: this won't run on apache 2.x because of apache's new design (new header files). Install postgresql with the libpq libraries. Not all ports install these libraries. Using the psql command line interface create a database called "shrs" and add a postgres user named www or the user the apache server runs as. In turn, execute the scripts in the sqls directory. First execute the create_shrs_tables.sql, then insert_shrs_data.sql, and then the www_grant.sql batch files. Be sure to change who the www_grant.sql grants permissions if your web server doesn't run as www. In turn, update the Makefile and change the include statement to point to libpg and change the name of the apache control startup to whatever you have. Add the following to your apache config file: # Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support # Example: # LoadModule foo_module libexec/ LoadFile /usr/local/lib/ LoadModule jda_module /usr/lib/apache/modules/ SetHandler shrs-handler Note: LoadFile is probably not need on a linux system. In turn, copy the login.html and shrs_help.html files to your document root. Note: on OpenBSD I was not able to create two seperate C modules using the same libpq. The module specified first in the apache config file would load and the second would fail. Licensing --------- Please read the file LICENSE. Documentation ------------- An administrator and users guide will be available at date not yet determined. I'm really busy, sorry. Suggested Reading ----------------- "Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C" by Lincoln Stein & Doug MacEachern, published by O'Reilly. "Professional Apache" by Peter Wainwright published by Wrox Acknowledgments --------------- My mother, father, and brothers. Biggest To Do -------------- Document the code!!! Provide supporting administrative and user documentation. Add a sql filter. Add printable reports. Rewrite the menu functions. Provide an openldap backend and kerberos/cyrus authentication.