NAME Perinci::Sub::Wrapper::Property::retry - Specify automatic retry VERSION version 0.04 SYNOPSIS # in function metadata retry => 3, # more detailed retry => {n=>3, delay=>10, success_statuses=>/^(2..|3..)$/}, DESCRIPTION This property specifies retry behavior. Values: a hash containing these keys: * n => INT (default: 0) Number of retries, default is 0 which means no retry. * delay => INT (default: 0) Number of seconds to wait before each retry, default is 0 which means no wait between retries. * success_statuses => REGEX (default: '^(2..|304)$') Which status is considered success. * fatal_statuses => REGEX If set, specify that status matching this should be considered fatal and no retry should be attempted. * non_fatal_statuses => REGEX If set, specify that status *not* matching this should be considered fatal and no retry should be attempted. * fatal_messages => REGEX If set, specify that message matching this should be considered fatal and no retry should be attempted. * non_fatal_messages => REGEX If set, specify that message *not* matching this should be considered fatal and no retry should be attempted. Property value can also be an integer (specifying just 'n'). If function does not return enveloped result (result_naked=0), which means there is no status returned, a function is assumed to fail only when it dies. This property's wrapper implementation currently uses a simple loop around the eval block. SEE ALSO Perinci AUTHOR Steven Haryanto COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Steven Haryanto. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.