NAME Org::Parser - Parse Org documents VERSION version 0.30 SYNOPSIS use 5.010; use Org::Parser; my $orgp = Org::Parser->new(); # parse a file my $doc = $orgp->parse_file("$ENV{HOME}/"); # parse a string $doc = $orgp->parse(<>> * heading1a ** TODO heading2a SCHEDULED: <2011-03-31 Thu> [[some][link]] ** DONE heading2b [2011-03-18 ] this will become a link: radio target * TODO heading1b *bold* - some - plain - list - [ ] with /checkbox/ * and * sublist * CANCELLED heading1c + definition :: list + another :: def EOF # walk the document tree $doc->walk(sub { my ($el) = @_; return unless $el->isa('Org::Element::Headline'); say "heading level ", $el->level, ": ", $el->title->as_string; }); will print something like: heading level 1: heading1a heading level 2: heading2a heading level 2: heading2b *bold* heading level 1: heading1b heading level 1: heading1c A command-line utility (in a separate distribution: App::OrgUtils) is available for debugging: % dump-org-structure ~/ Document: Setting: "#+TODO: TODO | DONE CANCELLED\n" RadioTarget: "<<>>" Text: "\n" Headline: l=1 (title) Text: "heading1a" (children) Headline: l=2 todo=TODO (title) Text: "heading2a" (children) Text: "SCHEDULED: " ... DESCRIPTION This module parses Org documents. See for more details on Org documents. This module uses Log::Any logging framework. This module uses Moo object system. See "" in the distribution for the list of already- and not yet implemented stuffs. ATTRIBUTES METHODS new() Create a new parser instance. $orgp->parse($str | $arrayref | $coderef | $filehandle, \%opts) => $doc Parse document (which can be contained in a scalar $str, an array of lines $arrayref, a subroutine which will be called for chunks until it returns undef, or a filehandle). Returns Org::Document object. If 'handler' attribute is specified, will call handler repeatedly during parsing. See the 'handler' attribute for more details. Will die if there are syntax errors in documents. Known options: * time_zone => STR Will be passed to Org::Document's constructor. $orgp->parse_file($filename, \%opts) => $doc Just like parse(), but will load document from file instead. Known options (aside from those known by parse()): * cache_file => STR Path to cache file. Since Org::Parser can spend some time to parse largish Org files, this is an option to store the parse result (using Storable). Caching is turned on if this option is set. FAQ Why? Just as only perl can parse Perl, only org-mode can parse Org anyway! True. I'm only targetting good enough. As long as I can parse/process all my Org notes and todo files, I have no complaints. It's too slow! Parser is completely regex-based at the moment (I plan to use Marpa someday). Performance is quite lousy but I'm not annoyed enough at the moment to overhaul it. SEE ALSO Org::Document AUTHOR Steven Haryanto COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Steven Haryanto. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.