graphcompare - A command-line tool to compare graph files in DOT or tabular format. # VERSION v0.6.2 # SYNOPSIS Usage: graphcompare -input, \ -stats \ -colors HARD \ -output \ -table table.tbl \ -venn venn.svg \ -web graph.html # DESCRIPTION This application compares two or more graph files (DOT or tabular). It prints a merged graph with different colors for nodes and edges depending on the files in which they appear. To read the files, graphcompare uses the module Dot::Parser or the module Tabgraph::Reader, both located in lib/. The main functionality of the script can be found at lib/Graphs/ This distribution comes with a command-line tool (graphcompare) to compare the files. By default, graphcompare will print the resulting graph to STDOUT, but you can change it with the option --output (see options below). graphcompare has some optional outputs, each one specified by one option. ### Venn diagram If given the option -v, graphcompare will create an svg file containing a venn diagram. In this image, you will be able to see a comparison of the counts of nodes and relationships in each input DOT file, and those nodes/relationships common to more than one file. The colors will be chosen using one of the profiles in data/colors.txt. By default, the color palette is set to be "SOFT". To change it, use the option -c (see options below). ### Table Complementary to the venn diagram, one can choose to create a table containing all the counts (so it can be used to create other plots or tables). The table is already formated to be used by R. Load it to a dataframe using: df <-read.table(file="yourtable.tbl", header=TRUE) ### Webpage with the graph ![webexample-graphcompare]( With the option -w, one can create a webpage with a representation of the merged graph (with different colors for nodes and relationships depending on their presence in each DOT file). To make this representation, graphcompare uses the Open Source library cytoscape.js. All the cytoscape.js code is embedded in the html file to allow maximum portability: the webpage and the graph work without any external file/script dependencies. This allows for an easy upload of the graph to any website. ### Parallel Plot With the option -p, one can choose to create three plots comparing the in-degree, out-degree and total degree of all the nodes in each of the graphs. In order for this option to work, one would need R installed, along with the R packages: [ggplot2]( and [GGally]( # INSTALLATION perl Makefile.PL make make test make install It is important to note that if you decide to install graphcompare manually, the script needs to use File::Share to find the templates. If you choose to not use the Makefile.PL installer, you may encounter some bugs, as graphcompare will be unable to open the templates. # DIRECTORIES These are the directories and the files inside the distribution: - **bin/** This directory contains the main script: graphcompare. - **lib/** Here we can find the modules used by the program: Graphs::Compare, Dot::Parser, Dot::Writer, Tabgraph::Reader, Tabgraph::Writer. The main functionality of the application is implemented in Graphs::Compare. Dot::Parser is a Perl module that reads graphviz files. To see how it works, refer to its documentation: perldoc lib/Dot/ - **share/** Here we can find the templates graphcompare uses to create the svg venn diagrams and the html output. We can also find some test files,, and to try out the program. - **t/** This is the directory with the test files and the script that runs the tests (parser.t). - **Makefile.PL** This is the script that uses ExtUtils::MakeMaker to create a Makefile to install the distribution. - **MANIFEST** List of all the files of the distribution. # OPTIONS - **-h**, **-help** Shows this help. - **-in**, **-input** <file1,file2,...> REQUIRED. Input files, separated by commas. Only DOT (graphviz) or TBL files. - **-out**, **-output** <> Saves the merged dot file to the specified file. Default to STDOUT. - **-fmtin** FORMAT Forces the program to read ALL the files as 'DOT' or 'TBL'. By default, graphcompare looks at the extension of each file to choose one parser or another. - **-fmtout** FORMAT Changes the format of the output graph. By default it will use the DOT language. As of now, you can change it to TBL. - **-c**, **-colors** <profile> Color profile to use: SOFT (default), HARD, LARGE or CBLIND. - **-ig**, **-ignore-case** Makes dotocompare case insensitive. By default, graphcompare is case sensitive. - **-s**, **-stats** Prints to STDERR some graph properties for each DOT file. It can be time consuming if the input graphs are very big. - **-v**, **-venn** <filename.svg> Creates a venn diagram with the results. - **-p**, **-parallel** <basename> Creates three parallel plots comparing the in/out/total degree of the graphs using the basename as filename. - **-w**, **-web** <filename.html> Writes html file with the graph using cytoscape.js - **-n**, **-node-list** <filename.tbl> Creates a file with a list of all the nodes and their appeareance on the input files. Each column will represent one of the files, and they will contain a one if the node appears in it, or a zero if it does not. # BUGS AND PROBLEMS ## Current Limitations - _Undirected\_graphs_ Only works with directed graphs. If undirected, graphcompare considers them to be directed. - _Clusters_ Still no clusters support e.g. {A B C} -> D - _Multiline\_IDs_ No support for multiline IDs. - _No\_escaped\_quotes_ No support for quotes in node IDs (even if properly escaped). - _Compass\_ports_ No support for compass ports. # DEPENDENCIES - File::ShareDir::Install - File::Share - Test::More - Pod::Usage - Cwd - Graph::Directed (only if using option -s) - AutoLoader (if comparing more than 5 files) - Color::Spectrum::Multi (if comparing more than 5 files) - Statistics::R (if option -p) - R modules: ggplot2, GGally (if option -p) # AUTHOR Sergio Castillo Lara - ## Reporting Bugs Report Bugs at _ (still private) # COPYRIGHT graphcompare command-line tool to compare graph files. Copyright (C) 2015 Sergio CASTILLO LARA This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .