ShiftJIS::String: version 1.02 ============== NAME ShiftJIS::String - functions to manipulate Shift-JIS strings SYNOPSIS use ShiftJIS::String qw(length substr index rindex); $str = 'プログラミング-Perl'; $sub = substr($str, index($str, 'ラミ') + length('ラミ')); # $sub eq 'ング-Perl'. # If you want to use core functions after importing, # prefix the core function name with 'CORE::', like CORE::length. DESCRIPTION This module provides some functions which emulate the corresponding CORE functions and will help someone to manipulate Shift-JIS string. * Functions other than length(), substr(), index(), and rindex() will have different names from those of the corresponding CORE:: functions. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install If you have a C compiler and want to use XSUB edition, type the following (!! "enableXS" must run before "Makefile.PL" !!): perl enableXS perl Makefile.PL make make test make install If you decide to install pure Perl (i.e. non-XS) edition after trying to build XSUB, type the following: make clean perl disableXS perl Makefile.PL make make test make install PREREQUISITES Perl 5.003 or later for pure Perl edition (Perl 5.005 or later Recommended.) Perl 5.6 or later for XSUB edition. POD The documents for this module are written in Shift-JIS. (The explanations are given in English in String.pod, but some sample codes include Shift-JIS literals.) The CPAN Archiver should make it unreadable. The HTML-ized PODs are provided in my website. String.pod COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright(C) 2001-2003, SADAHIRO Tomoyuki. Japan. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.