NAME Log::Dispatch::MacGrowl - Log messages via Growl SYNOPSIS use Log::Dispatch::MacGrowl; my $growl = Log::Dispatch::MacGrowl->new( name => 'growl', min_level => 'debug', app_name => 'MyApp', title => 'essential info !', priority => 0, sticky => 1, icon_file => '/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/AlertCautionIcon.icns', ); $growl->log( level => 'alert', message => "Hello, Again." ); DESCRIPTION This module allows you to pass messages to Growl using Mac::Growl. METHODS * new(%p) This method takes a hash of parameters. The following options are acceptable. * name ($) The name of the object. Required. * min_level ($) The minimum logging level this object will accept. See the Log::Dispatch documentation for more information. Required. * max_level ($) The maximum logging level this obejct will accept. See the Log::Dispatch documentation for more information. This is not required. By default the maximum is the highest possible level (which means functionally that the object has no maximum). * app_name ($) The application name registered to Growl. By default, the package name (= Log::Dispatch::MacGrowl) will be registered. * title ($) The title shown on the notification window. By default, the script name will be displayed. * priority ($) The priority number (range from -2 for low to 2 for high) passed to Growl. By default, 0 (normal) will be passed. * sticky ($) The stickiness (boolean value) passed to Growl. By default, 1 (sticky) will be passed. * icon_file ($) The icon file (.icns) path shown on each notification window. By default, nothing will be passed. * log_message( message => $ ) Sends a message to the appropriate output. Generally this shouldn't be called directly but should be called through the "log()" method (in Log::Dispatch::Output). DEPENDENCY Log::Dispatch, Mac::Growl AUTHOR Ryo Okamoto