NAME Tie::RangeHash - Allows hashes to associate values with a range of keys REQUIREMENTS `Tie::RangeHash' is written for and tested on Perl 5.6.0. It uses only standard modules. Installation Installation is pretty standard: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install HISTORY Changes since Tie::RangeHash v0.70 0.72 28 Dec 2002 - fixed bug with ticket no. 1887 (bug with decimal ranges) and added test case 0.71 01 Aug 2002 - miscellaneous optimizations - corrected tests to require current version - removed references to recursion in POD and comments, since it's not necessarily relevant to all the functions SYNOPSIS use Tie::RangeHash; tie %hash, 'Tie::RangeHash'; $hash{'A,C'} = 1; $hash{'D,F'} = 2; $hash{'G,K'} = 3; $hash{'E'}; # returns '2' $hash{'BB'}; # returns '1' $hash{'KL'}; # returns nothing ('undef') There is also an object-oriented interface: $hash = new Tie::RangeHash; $hash->add('A,C', 1); $hash->add('G,I', 2); $hash->fetch('H'); # returns '2' DESCRIPTION This module allows hashes to associate a value with a *range* of keys rather than a single key. A more detailed description can be found in the module's POD docu- mentation. AUTHOR Robert Rothenberg LICENSE Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Robert Rothenberg. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.