= Yapsi -- Yet Another Perl Six Implementation This is an implementation of a Perl 6 compiler-and-runtime in Perl 6. == Building Yapsi $ ufo && make 'ufo' is a Makefile generator, and can be found at . == Features currently available in Yapsi Right now you can do things like this: $ bin/yapsi -e 'say 42' 42 $ bin/yapsi -e 'my $a; my $b = { $a = 5 }; $b(); say $a' 5 $ bin/yapsi -e 'my $a = 5; my $b := $a; $b = 41; ++$b; say $a' 42 $ bin/yapsi -e 'my $a = 42; while --$a { say $a }' In other words, Yapsi currently handles scalar variables, declaration, blocks, assignment, binding, prefix increment/decrement, if/while, and say. The compiler also detects syntax errors. $ bin/yapsi -e 'say say' Could not parse == Near-future directions Things we hope to implement in the immediate future: * More loops * Function calls * Phasers For more detailed information, see doc/ROADMAP. == Raison d'ĂȘtre Besides being useful as a p6-in-p6 implementation, Yapsi also might work as a fast vehicle for exploring the following underexplored areas of the Perl 6 spec: * Phasers * Constant folding * Early catching of errors * Increased communication between compiler and runtime == License Yapsi is released under Artistic 2.0. See LICENSE.