# Web::Template ## Introduction A simple abstraction layer, providing a consistent API for different template engines. This is designed for use in higher level web frameworks such as [Web::App::Ballet](https://github.com/supernovus/perl6-web-app-ballet/) and [Web::App::MVC](https://github.com/supernovus/perl6-web-app-mvc/). ## Supported Template Engines * [Template6](https://github.com/supernovus/template6/) An engine inspired by Template Toolkit. Has many features. Wrapper is Web::Template::Template6 * [Flower::TAL](https://github.com/supernovus/flower/) An implementation of the TAL/METAL XML-based template languages from Zope. Wrapper is Web::Template::TAL * [Template::Mojo](https://github.com/tadzik/Template-Mojo/) A template engine inspired by Perl 5's Mojo::Template. Wrapper is Web::Template::Mojo * [HTML::Template](https://github.com/masak/html-template/) A template engine inspired by Perl 5's HTML::Template. Wrapper is Web::Template::HTML ## Methods All of the wrapper classes provide common API methods, so as long as your web framework or application supports the following API, it doesn't have to worry about the APIs of the individual template engines themselves. ### set-path ($path, ...) Set the directory or directories to find the template files in. For engines without native support of multiple search paths, or even file-based templates to begin with, the wrapper classes add such support. ### render ($template, ...) Takes the template name to render, and passes any additional parameters through to the template engine. Most template engines use named parameters, but some like Mojo, use positional parameters. This handles both. ## Usage ```perl use Web::Template::TAL; my $engine = Web::Template::TAL.new; $engine.set-path('./views'); $engine.render('example.xml', :name); ``` See one of the web application frameworks using this for better examples. ## TODO * Add a test suite with all supported template engines covered. * Add support for the Plosurin template engine. ## Author [Timothy Totten](https://github.com/supernovus/) -- supernovus on #perl6 ## License [Artistic License 2.0](http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0)