# Unix::Groups Access to the Unix group file in Perl 6 ## Synopsis ``` use Unix::Groups; my $groups = Unix::Groups.new; say "The logged in user is member of these groups:"; for $groups.groups-for-user($*USER.Str) -> $group { say $group.name; } ``` ## Description This module provides access to the group details from ```/etc/group```, with similar to ```getgrent()```, ```getgrnam``` and ```getgrgid``` in the Unix standard C library. The methods either return a Unix::Groups::Group object or an array of those objects. Because this module goes directly to the group file, if your system is configured to retrieve its group information from e.g. NIS or LDAP it may not necessarily reflect all the groups present, just the local ones. ## Installation Assuming you have a working perl6 installation you should be able to install this with *ufo* : ufo make test make install *ufo* can be installed with *panda* for rakudo: panda install ufo Or you can install directly with "panda": # From the source directory panda install . # Remote installation panda install User::Groups Other install mechanisms may be become available in the future. ## Support This should be considered experimental software until such time that Perl 6 reaches an official release. However suggestions/patches are welcomed via github at https://github.com/jonathanstowe/User-Groups ## Licence Please see the LICENCE file in the distribution (C) Jonathan Stowe 2015